Updating CSS Using Page Extensions

Updating CSS Using Page Extensions

This article demonstrates how to use Page Extensions to adjust the CSS for all AdminPortal pages dynamically so that you don't have to worry about upgrades overwriting your stylesheet.

Changing the BreadCrumb Colour

This Page Extension changes the breadcrumb background colour to a dark grey for example but more substantial CSS changes could be applied here which and can be applied to specific pages by entering the page you want it to run on or by using the forward slash to represent ALL pages


  1. Click on Setup

  2. Click Page Extensions

  3. Click the Add button

  4. Enter the following information
    Name: Change BreadCrumb Colour via CSS
    Page: / (enter a forward slash to make the script apply to all AdminPortal pages)

    jQuery("#crumb").css('background-color', '#47515b');
  5. Click Save