Inserting Values Into Fields Using Page Extensions
The following article outlines how to use page extension to insert values into various fields in the EngageIP AdminPortal
Adding Text to Ticket Comments
This Page Extension allows you to add default text (such as a set of technical support common questions) to the comment field when adding tickets. You can also create another page extension to enter text when editing a ticket as well by setting the Page field to Ticket/Edit
Click on Setup
Click Page Extensions
Click the Add button
Enter the following information:
Name - Ticket Add Default Comments
Page - Ticket/Add
Script - (see below)var item = document.getElementById('Comment');if (item.value == "") { item.value = "1) What is your mother's maiden name? \n2) Describe the issue:"; };
To put text on a new line, add the \n as shown between #1 and #2 in the example script
Use this script on both 'ticket add' and 'ticket edit' screens with different questions to streamline your support processes
This same script can be used for other fields on tickets or on other pages, simply by interrogating the page source to look for the field names
Insert a Date into a Date Field
Click on Setup
Click Page Extensions
Click the Add button
Enter the following information:
Name - Insert Date Into Date Field
Page - user/add
Script - (see below)for(var billi=0;billi<=50;billi++) { var nextbill = "Package"+billi+"^Date";    var postdate = "Package"+billi+"^Posting Date";    if(document.getElementById(nextbill)) { var NextBillDate = document.getElementById(nextbill);      var d = new Date ( NextBillDate.value );       var newdate = d.getMonth()+1 + "/" + d.getDate() + "/" + d.getFullYear() + " 12:00:00 am";       NextBillDate.value= newdate;    if(document.getElementById(postdate)) {       var NextPostBillDate = document.getElementById(postdate);       var pd = new Date ( NextPostBillDate.value );       var newpostdate = pd.getMonth()+1 + "/" + pd.getDate() + "/" + pd.getFullYear() + " 12:00:00 am";       NextPostBillDate.value= newpostdate;    } } }
Click the Save button
Setting the Default Balance Value on Make Payment to $0.00
The following Page Extension provides a way to set the amount text box on 'Make Payment' equal to zero. Currently it defaults to the user balance.
Click on the Setup tab
Click Page Extensions
Click the Add button
Enter the following information:
Name - Set 'Make Payment' Zero By Default
Page - onlinepayment/index
Script - see below, same for both the add and edit screensvar theAmount = document.getElementById('Amount'); theAmount.setAttribute('value', '');
Click Save