Rate Importer Tool
This tool is used to update the current rates on the system associated to a specific UDRrategroup, UDRClass and Rounding Rule.
These configuration steps are typically performed by the LogiSense support team.
First the database link needs to be set in the configuration file ('Logisense.RateImporter.exe.config'). Locate this file under the same folder where the .exe file of this tool exists
Ensure that the ImportProfile is using the same format for the file that contains all of the rates, the format used here is 'Full Dial Pattern' and should be in the below sequence
</Profile> <Profile Name="International w/Full Dial Pattern" SkipFirstRow="false" RateLookupFormat="{Pattern}" MatchAgainst="%/[0-9]%" > <ColumnMappings> <ColumnMapping ColumnNumber="1" MapTo="Pattern" Format="{0}" /> <ColumnMapping ColumnNumber="2" MapTo="Amount" Format="{0}/m" /> </ColumnMappings>
Usage Steps
Double click on the tool executable file which is 'Logisense.RateImporter.exe'
The Logisense Rate Importer screen should appear, click on the Next button
Click the Browse button to select the file that contains the new rates, then click the Next button
Select Owner, RateGroup, Class, Rate Type and Rounding Rule from the drop down lists
Replace Existing Rates - check this box if you want to replace all existing rates with the new ones from the rates file, disabling this check box means the tool will not update any existing rates it will only add missing rates. This setting should generally only be used to merge rates from two sources
Create missing GeoTree Nodes - this will create a new GeoTree node if it was missing from the current GeoTree but existing in the rates file
CountryCode Column - refers to the country code column number in the rates file, usually it is column number zero
Retire and Recreate RateGroup - enabling this check box will cause the tool to drop the existing rate group and create a new one with the new rates using the Retirement Date next to this check box
Clone Rate Group - enabling this check box will cause the tool to clone the same rate group that was retired and update the cloned one to the rates from the new file
After setting the right choices from the above screen click on the Next button
Verify that the tool is parsing the rate file columns into the correct fields from the grid table as shown in the below screenshot, if all columns are in the correct fields then click on the Next button
The tool will start verifying the rates and compare them to the current rates, it will also show a message of the total number of rates found, the number of new rates found, the number of updated rates and the number of errors if any
The errors can be saved into a text file using the Save Errors button
Click the Next button to start updating the rates
Click Finish