Dates in EngageIP
There are many date fields in EngageIP and all have varying definitions.
Bill Day
Cancelled Date
Created Date
Date Field is Required
Due Date
Effective Date
Posting Date
Bill Day
The day in which all packages prorate to unless you have proration disabled.
Cancelled Date
The date that reflect when either an account or a package is cancelled. Â For example, for Accounts it will represent when the account and all packages associated with the Account will no longer be provisioned or billed.
Created Date
The Created Date defines when a package has been added to an account or when an invoice has been created.
This is the Calendar Date that details when a package or transaction was added or is to be added or the case of payments, the date on which the payment was recorded or applied to an account.
Date Field is Required
You can set a Profile Question to be a Date and set it as a required field if for example it is for Account Access.
Due Date
The Due Date is the date that defines when an invoice on an account is due.
Effective Date
The Effective Date defines when a package 'takes effect' from a billing standpoint. Effective date is used as it relates to usage billing. For package billing however, once the package has billed once, it has no effect on the package billing itself going forward. It continues to effect usage billing periods
As of EngageIP 8.6.0 user-package effective dates have several restrictions to prevent invalid configurations and billing issues. User-package effective dates can no longer:
Be set to a future date
Be within a closed financial period
Posting Date
The Posting Date is a field that is used for reporting / accounting purposes and is supposed to reflect the date on which you want to recognize the revenue as opposed to the date it was added.