Custom Fields Layouts Screen

Custom Field Layouts are configured in Setup / Extensibility / Custom Fields / Layout


Layouts determine how custom fields are presented on system entities where custom fields are supported (Accounts, Packages, etc.). Some entities have a 'Custom Fields' tab where the layout will display the custom fields, other entities (e.g. Account Settings) append the custom fields from the layout to existing screen content.


Custom fields need to be setup in order to have fields to configure on layouts.

Custom Field Layouts Panel

The Custom Field Layouts panel on the left of this screen allows you to select existing layouts to view and edit on the Edit Custom Field Layout panel to the right.

Edit Custom Field Layout Panel

This panel reflects the currently selected layout. From here you can change add, remove and edit custom fields which are configured for the object in question (account settings, account package, etc.).


Adding Custom Fields to Layouts

  1. Under the Custom Field Layouts heading select the entity you wish to configure a layout for (New Account, Package, etc.)

  2. Under the Edit Custom Field Layout heading click the  in the section of the layout where you wish to position the custom field

  3. On the Add Custom Field modal select the custom field you want to add in the selected position and click Add

  4. To adjust the column width of a custom field on the layout click the  to the right of the custom field

  5. If you wish to reposition custom fields in the layout drag and drop them as needed

  6. Click Save when finished and the custom field layout will be applied to the entity it was configured on

Editing Layouts

  1. Under the Custom Layout Fields heading on the left click the layout you wish to edit

  2. To adjust the column width of a custom field on the layout click the  to the right of the custom field

  3. If you wish to reposition custom fields in the layout drag and drop them as needed

  4. To remove a custom field from a layout click the  icon and then the  icon to mark it for deletion. The custom field will be removed from the layout once the layout changes are saved

  5. Click Save when finished and the updated custom field layout will be applied to the entity it was configured on

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