Account Share Plans Screen
Account Share Plans are configured in Account / Profile / Share Plans
Guides in this article:
Share plans allow multiple services to contribute and consume usage from share plan buckets. Share plans are configured in the setup menu and will only appear on this screen when a package that is configured with a share plan 'selling service' has been added to the account.
Account Share Plans Panel
The Account Share Plans panel on the left of this screen allows you to select existing plans to view and edit on the Edit Account Share Plan panel to the right.
Edit Account Share Plan Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected share plan. From here you can change share plan details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Account Share Plan Fields:
Name: the name of the share plan (auto-populated)
Effective Date: the date the share plan was added to the account. This will be the date that the first package containing the selling service was added to the account
Cancellation Date: allows you to set a cancellation date on the share plan so that it can no longer be used past the set date
Description: the description of the share plan
Share Level: the accounts that can participate in the share plan. This will be only one account (set to 'Account') or shared from a usage invoicer account to all accounts that are setup to bill their usage to the usage invoicer account
Selling Service: the service within the account-package that activated the share plan when the package was added to the account
Usage Billing Frequency & Unit: defines how frequently non-bucketed usage against the plan is billed (e.g. every month). Also determine how frequently usage contributions from services are replenished (e.g. if the share plan is setup to provide 10 GB of included usage, it will provide another 10 GB each time this frequency is reached)
Usage Buckets tab
When share plan buckets are created for services participating in the share plan this tab will display them. This tab will report on the bucket recurrence frequency, the usage allowance provided per bucket, the total usage consumed so far per bucket and data on the services which are consuming/contributing to the bucket.
Add Ons tab
Add on packages can be configured in the system to increase the usage available in a share plan. From this tab you can add or remove packages that have been configured as 'Share Plan Add-On' packages. Packages in the system that have not been configured as share plan add-ons will not be selectable when adding packages on this tab.
Adding Account Share Plans
Add a share plan package on the packages screen
Return to the share plan screen and the plan should be listed
If you wish to increase the available usage in the share plan click on the Add-Ons tab and add a share plan add on package. When you are finished click Save to commit your changes
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