Avalara Tax Compliance Reporting

Avalara Tax Compliance Reporting


Custom code / scripts used to generate the Avalara tax compliance custom report in EngageIP.

This will create a custom report with the data which can then be exported as needed on a monthly basis


Run the following queries in order in SQL


USE [EngageIP] GO IF OBJECT_ID('AvalaraTaxReport') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [AvalaraTaxReport] END GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AvalaraTaxReport]( ID int, PCodeTax int, TaxType int, TaxLevel int, TaxRate float, TaxAmount float, SaleAmt float, Exempt float, Adjustments float, NetTaxable money, Minutes int, Lines int, Billable bit, OwnerID int, ServiceProvider nvarchar(255), CreatedDate datetime ) ON [PRIMARY] GO


USE [EngageIP] GO IF OBJECT_ID('TaxLog_Master') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE [TaxLog_Master] END GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TaxLog_Master]( [TaxMonth] [nchar](10) NULL, [ID] [int] NULL, [InvoiceID] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO


USE [EngageIP] GO IF OBJECT_ID('usp_TaxLog_Master_Update') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [usp_TaxLog_Master_Update] END GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_TaxLog_Master_Update] AS -- ============================================= -- Author: Anita Middleton -- Company: Logisense -- Create Date: Nov 2, 2017 -- Description: Adds TaxLog IDs into a master list for tax reporting -- History: Created for ticket #106505 -- ============================================= /* gets statementdetails taxlogID and posting date */ INSERT INTO TaxLog_Master (TaxMonth, ID, InvoiceID) SELECT CAST(DATEADD(dd, -DAY(i.Date) + 1, i.Date) AS DATE) TaxMonth, tl.ID, i.ID InvoiceID FROM TaxLog tl WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN StatementDetails sd WITH (NOLOCK) ON tl.StatementDetailsID = sd.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatementConnector isc WITH (NOLOCK) on sd.StatementID = isc.StatementID INNER JOIN Invoice i WITH (NOLOCK) on isc.InvoiceID = i.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatusType ict WITH (NOLOCK) ON ict.ID = i.InvoiceStatusTypeID WHERE tl.ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM TaxLog_Master) AND ict.Name = 'Closed' AND sd.Credit = 0 AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voiding_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voided_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(DATEADD(dd, -DAY(i.Date) + 1, i.Date) AS DATE) TaxMonth, tl.ID, i.ID InvoiceID FROM TaxLog tl WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN StatementDetails sd WITH (NOLOCK) ON tl.StatementDetailsID = sd.ID INNER JOIN StatementDetailsCreditInvoiceConnector sdcic WITH (NOLOCK) on sd.ID = sdcic.StatementDetailsID INNER JOIN Invoice i WITH (NOLOCK) on sdcic.InvoiceID = i.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatusType ict WITH (NOLOCK) ON ict.ID = i.InvoiceStatusTypeID WHERE tl.ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM TaxLog_Master) AND ict.Name = 'Closed' AND sd.Credit = 1 AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voiding_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voided_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) UNION ALL /* gets UDR taxlogID and posting date */ SELECT CAST(DATEADD(dd, -DAY(i.Date) + 1, i.Date) AS DATE) TaxMonth, tl.ID, i.ID InvoiceID FROM TaxLog tl WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN UDRBiller ub WITH (NOLOCK) ON tl.UDRBillerID = ub.ID INNER JOIN StatementDetails sd WITH (NOLOCK) ON ub.StatementDetailsID = sd.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatementConnector isc WITH (NOLOCK) on sd.StatementID = isc.StatementID INNER JOIN Invoice i WITH (NOLOCK) on isc.InvoiceID = i.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatusType ict WITH (NOLOCK) ON ict.ID = i.InvoiceStatusTypeID WHERE tl.ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM TaxLog_Master) AND ict.Name = 'Closed' AND sd.Credit = 0 AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voiding_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voided_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(DATEADD(dd, -DAY(i.Date) + 1, i.Date) AS DATE) TaxMonth, tl.ID, i.ID InvoiceID FROM TaxLog tl WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN UDRBiller ub WITH (NOLOCK) ON tl.UDRBillerID = ub.ID INNER JOIN StatementDetails sd WITH (NOLOCK) ON ub.StatementDetailsID = sd.ID INNER JOIN StatementDetailsCreditInvoiceConnector sdcic WITH (NOLOCK) on sd.ID = sdcic.StatementDetailsID INNER JOIN Invoice i WITH (NOLOCK) on sdcic.InvoiceID = i.ID INNER JOIN InvoiceStatusType ict WITH (NOLOCK)ON ict.ID = i.InvoiceStatusTypeID WHERE tl.ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM TaxLog_Master) AND ict.Name = 'Closed' AND sd.Credit = 1 AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voiding_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) AND i.ID NOT IN (SELECT Voided_InvoiceID FROM InvoiceVoid WITH (NOLOCK)) GO


#5 Install custom code:

Name: Populate Tax Report Job


Name: Avalara Compliance Report

#6 Log out and back in

Usage Steps:

Once completed, the custom IJob will start running on the first of every month at the specified time. The job will populate the AvalaraTaxReport table, which will act as the underlying data responsible for the custom report.

The report is available from the Reports page. The report can be exported to .CSV, which should meet the file requirements to generate an .ssf file for Avalara.

To generate the monthly compliance report for Avalara, run the AvalaraComplianceReport.sql script.

There are two reports that are returned in this script. The first is the .nba report which is all non-billable taxation items. The second is the .ssf file which is all billable taxation items. The results should be saved as comma delimited without column headers and should have the appropriate file extension (.nba or .ssf) - example below. If the .nba file is null (meaning you have no non-billable taxes), then nothing needs to be sent to Avalara. NOTE: we are sending the PCodeTax value instead of the demographic information.

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