GeoTree Configuration

GeoTree Configuration


The major use of the GeoTree is for location based service rating (i.e. phone calls). Unlike most systems which have you simply enter a calling pattern (i.e. 1212) and associated rate, without any real understanding of where it is entered or structured, EngageIP allows you to get as granular as you like within a structured tree.

Further flexibility on how you’d like to structure your tree is also available, for instance by LATA in the United States. You can define what actually makes up the calling patterns within a state, deploy rates based on zones, set top level rates (one price for the Continental U.S. instead of having to define each individual pattern), setup rates by regions, types or operators (allowing you to specify a different rate based on which mobile operator’s network the user is on, etc.)

The GeoTree also supports the creation of ‘Zones’ called “UDR Location Groups”. UDR Location Groups provide scalable rating control, permitting zones to be setup over a broad region (spanning multiple countries) or within more granular areas (many zones within a specific territory or country).

Configuration Steps

No back-end configuration or custom code is required to access/edit the GeoTree.

The data in the GeoTree can be batch imported using an XML Import (Setup / Configuration / Import)

Usage Steps

Adding Locations to the GeoTree

Note: the GeoTree is typically imported or setup when EngageIP is first configured, the steps below demonstrate how to manually add locations to the GeoTree in order to outline it's functionality.

  1. In the AdminPortal load the Setup page

  2. Click on GeoTree

  3. On the page that loads select the heading you want to create your location under (default heading is 'Everywhere')

  4. To add a location click the Add button

  5. In the text field that appears enter your location name (i.e. North America)

  6. Click the Save button and then "North America" should appear as a new location under 'Everywhere'

  7. To create a location under an existing location simply highlight the existing location and repeat steps 4-6 above (e.g. highlight "United States" click Add, enter "Alaska" and click save).

Adding Patterns

You can add calling patterns and IP ranges to the lowest level of the GeoTree, demonstrated below:

Calling Pattern Configuration

  1. Import / Setup your GeoTree down to the pattern level (basic sample below) and select the lowest level element in the GeoTree


  2. Under the 'Patterns For xxxxxxx' heading on the right click on the Add button


    • Name (required): enter a pattern, i.e. 1519249

    • Country (optional): enter the country the pattern relates to

    • State (optional): enter the state/province/territory the pattern relates to

    • City (optional): enter the city the pattern relates to

    • Lata (optional): enter the LATA the pattern relates to

  3. Click Save or Save/New if you wish to add another pattern

IP Range Configuration

The IP Configuration is very similar to the Calling Pattern configuration simply configure the GeoTree structure (e.g. /Everywhere/North America/Canada/Bell Mobility) and then define the IP range at the pattern level (e.g. set the Pattern Name as the IP range: 216.208.xxx.xx/27)

Adding UDR Location Groups

Permissions Required:

UDRLocationGroup role permission rights will need to be granted to users who need to View (List), Add, Delete or Edit UDR Location Groups. See the Roles – Adding Roles, Setting Role Permissions and Importing guide for instructions on adding permissions.

Using UDR Location Groups you can setup custom areas (groups of locations) that a rate can be applied to (for example an area that spans multiple countries). Below this process for setting up location groups is outlined:

  1. Load the Setup page

  2. Click on UDR Location Groups

  3. On the UDR Location Groups page that loads click on the Add button to the right

  4. Enter a name for the Location Group (e.g. /Everywhere/North America/Canada)

  5. Click the Save button, or Save/New if you wish to add an additional UDR Location Group

  6. On the specific UDR Location Group page click on the Add button under the UDR Locations section


  7. On the Add page that loads click the magnifying glass icon next to the text box to bring up the "Select a location" pop-up window


  8. On the pop-up window you will see the GeoTree. Expand the tree as needed to locate the area you want included in the UDR Location Group you are setting up (e.g. "Ontario")


  9. After you have selected a location click the Save button

  10. Repeat steps 6-9 to add additional locations from the GeoTree to your Location Group

Purging the GeoTree in Development Environments

If you wish to purge the GeoTree and re-import it in a test environment, you can do so by truncating the following tables:



  1. Backup the EngageIP database

  2. In SQL open the Query window and enter
    truncate table XXXX  (for each of the table names)

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