Resource Management and Configuration

Resource Management and Configuration

Module Required:

The functionality described below requires that you have the Resource Management module enabled in the EngageIP AdminPortal, if the module is not active the options detailed in this article will not be present in your EngageIP installation. Contact your LogiSense account representative if you wish to discuss adding this module to your installation.

Resource Management

If you are a Telco or service provider offering virtual assets such as virtual numbers or DIDs, IP address blocks, etc., managing all your virtual assets and accurately billing for each call can become very complicated. Using the Resource Management feature within EngageIP Billing lets you manage all your virtual numbers and DID accounts. Expand your business by automating your virtual number billing, while gaining powerful tools that let you view and control all your account activity.

  • Flexibility to work with virtual numbers from any DID provider

  • Any assigned DID can be associated with a user account for the most accurate billing

  • Accounts can change the call forwarding and view balances in real-time, Call History, and Payment History

  • Inbound call rating: For each DID per specified rate plan

  • Include on-net calling with optional billing

  • Automated Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) per account (where MRC amount can be customized per account)

  • Full Reseller Functionalities: Parent-child trees and billing

  • Complete API integration, enabling you to run the entire system from your own website

Role Permissions Definitions

Permission Definitions - Below you can see the available permissions and their configuration options (Enabled=Checked, Disabled=Unchecked). Each of the permissions listed are associated with an option in the AdminPortal application interface and for easy reference all options have been hyperlinked to their corresponding definitions/descriptions within this file.

Note: In order to perform any options such as Add, Delete, Edit, etc. the LIST option must be enabled. This option refers to the table of entries for the permission from where you can perform the other options. For example, if you want to see the packages associated with an account, then you must check the LIST option under the User Package permission. If this is the only permission option enabled then the list of packages will be read only, otherwise if you have EDIT selected you will also be able to perform that action.



Option Definition

ResourceItem Located under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu. This option allows you to configure your resource types.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource items list not permitting items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource items list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Unchecked: removes the Hold button from under the resource requests list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Hold button under the resource requests list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the Unhold button from under the resource requests list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Unhold button under the resource requests list allowing additional items to be added

ResourceItemHierarchy Under the owner’s resource item’s section this option allows you set Hierarchy Child Items to their respected resource items.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource item hierarchy list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource item hierarchy list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource item hierarchy list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource item hierarchy list allowing items to be deleted

ResourceItemHoldRule Located under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu. This option allows you to configure your Hold Rules.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource item hold rule list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource item hold rule list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource item hold rules list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource item hold rules list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Unchecked: removes the Hold Rules option from under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu
Checked: displays the Hold Rules option under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu allow access to the information

ResourcePool This option allows you to further categorize your owner’s resource items into pools.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource pool list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource pool list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource pools list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource pools list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

ResourceItemReport Refers to the Resource Report located under the Owner Reports section of the Reports menu.

Note: The Menu option under the Reports permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Resource Item Report option under the Owner Reports section of the Reports menu thus now allowing you to view the report
Checked: displays the Resource Item Report option under the Owner Reports section allowing you to view the report

ResourceRequest Located under the Resource Types edit screen this option allows you to set your provider requests.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource requests list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource requests list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Unchecked: removes the Full Fill button from under the resource requests list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Full Fill button under the resource requests list allowing additional items to be added


Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource request profile answers list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource request profile answers list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource request profile answers list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource request profile answers list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

ResourceType Located under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu. This option allows you to manage your resource types.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource types list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource types list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource types list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource types list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Unchecked: removes the Resource Type option from under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu
Checked: displays the Resource Type option under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu allow access to the information


Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type profile questions list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type profile questions list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type profile questions list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type profile questions list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

ResourceTypeCategory This option allows you to assign and manage categories under your resource types.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type category list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type category list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type category list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type category list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

ResourceTypeHierarchy Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type hierarchy list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type hierarchy list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type hierarchy list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type hierarchy list allowing items to be deleted

ResourceTypeManagement The option allows owners to see their resource types once assigned to them under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

ResourceTypeProvider This option allows you to manage your resource type providers located on the resource type edit screen.

Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type providers list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type providers list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type providers list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type provider list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type provider profile answers list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type provider profile answers list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type provider profile answers list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type provider profile answers list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type profile questions list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type profile questions list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type profile questions list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type profile questions list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details


Note: The Menu option under the Setup permission must also be checked to enable this permission.


Unchecked: removes the Add button from under the resource type profile request questions list not allowing additional items to be added
Checked: displays the Add button under the resource type profile request questions list allowing additional items to be added


Unchecked: removes the delete button from the resource type profile request questions list not allowing items to be deleted
Checked: displays the delete button on the resource type profile request questions list allowing items to be deleted


Unchecked: removes the hyperlink from the name column values not allowing details to be modified
Checked: hyperlinks the name column values allowing you to modify its details

Resource Types







The resource type list allows you to view a list of your configured resource types. This is a list of your virtual assets which can include such things as IP addresses, Telecom DID phone numbers, etc.


To View Resource Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

Adding Resource Types






Add | Delete | List


Note: Required fields include Red field label names. Validation is also applied to these fields. If the label remains red the value entered is not valid and the form will not be saved. All other fields are optional (black label field names) and may be left blank.

To Add Resource Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click Add

  4. Enter the applicable information as outlined below:

    • Name - enter a descriptive name for the resource type

    • Notes - enter any notes (optional) describing the resource type or internal notes about the type being added

    • Item Quantity Script - when adding multiple large block items such as IP addresses or DID phone numbers, available scripts allow you to add them quickly instead of having to enter one item at a time. For sample JavaScript see the Article Resource / DID Management with EngageIP

    • Add Item Script - based on the same logic as above, available item scripts allow for quickly and automated adding of items to resource type lists

    • Show on User Package - this when checked will show the resource on the users package when on the packages page. For detail and troubleshooting with this option, please see Package and Service Icons

  5. Click Save to save the resource type; or Save/New to save the resource type and create another

To Delete Resource Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the check box next to the resource type

  4. Click the Delete button

  5. Click OK when asked 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item(s)?'

Editing Resource Types






Edit | List


Once you add your resource types you have the option to edit the name, notes, or any scripts that you added by following the instructions below. Besides the above the resource type edit screen allows you to further configure them by adding additional information such as; categories, profile questions, providers, etc. All these options plus more are described in later in this section.

To Edit Resource Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section.

  3. Click on the name of the type from the list.

  4. Modify the fields at the top of the page.

    • Name - enter a descriptive name for the resource type.

    • Notes - enter any notes (optional) describing the resource type or internal notes about the type being added.

    • Item Quantity Script - when adding multiple are a large block of items such as IP addresses or DID phone numbers, available scripts allow you to add them quickly instead of having to enter one item at a time

    • Add Item Script - based on the same logic as above, available item scripts allow for quickly and automated adding of items to resource type lists.
      Note: Fields and sections at the bottom of the page can also be modified, refer to their respected sections for more details

    • Show on User Package  - this when checked will show the resource on the users package when on the packages page. For detail and troubleshooting with this option, please see Package and Service Icons

  5. Click the Save button at the top of the screen to save your changes

Resource Type Profile Questions






Edit | List




Profile questions can be added to your resource types at anytime. These are a list of questions or additional information fields that you would like to keep track of for each resource type.

To Add Resource Type Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the name of the type you wish to edit in the list

  4. Scroll to the Components section on the screen and click the Add button

  5. Select the Profile Question option from the pop up menu

  6. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name – enter the name of the profile question

    • Question – the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required – if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer – the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered – if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type – select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List – if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options – values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table – if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table – select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer – If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  7. Click Save

Editing Resource Type Profile Questions






Edit | List




Once profile questions are attached to Resource Types they can be modified or edited at any time by following the instructions below.

To Edit Resource Type Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Components section on the screen

  5. Select the Profile Question from under the Component’s list

  6. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name – enter the name of the profile question

    • Question – the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required – if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer – the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered – if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type – select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List – if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options – values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table – if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table – select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer – If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  7. Click Save

You also have the option of selecting which roles have access or restricted access to the profile questions entered at the bottom of the screen. If any modifications are made to this section click the Save button at the bottom of the screen in order to save the role restrictions.

Deleting Resource Type Profile Questions






Edit | List




To Delete Resource Type Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the resource type from the list

  4. Click on the word Delete next to the appropriate profile question under the components section

Resource Providers






Edit | List


Located on the Resource Type edit screen the option to add your providers is available. This section allows you to specify each provider supplying the resource type. These can include telecom carriers, or other virtual asset providers.

To view Resource Providers

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Providers section

Adding Resource Providers






Edit | List


Add | Delete



To Add Resource Providers

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Providers section and click the Add button

  5. Enter the Name of the provider. If you have pre-configured provider profile questions enter the appropriate information in those fields also

  6. Click Save to save the resource provider; or Save/New to save the resource provider and create another


To Delete Resource Providers

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the resource providers section and select the check box next to the resource provider(s)

  5. Click Delete


Editing Resource Providers






Edit | List




To Edit Resource Providers

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Providers section and click the on the appropriate provider form the list

  5. Edit the onscreen fields and click Save


Provider Profile Questions






Edit | List


When adding providers to your resource types additional information or fields can be added to the provider’s information. These fields are predefined in the form of profile questions. Each set of provider profile questions are specific to the providers within the resource type. Therefore, questions will have to be duplicated is the same information is needed for providers under other resource types.


To view Provider Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Provider Profile Questions section


Adding Provider Profile Questions






Edit | List


Add | Delete


If more information is required besides the default provider name when adding your resource type providers, this section allows you to add fields to accommodate this information. Profile questions added in this section will appear as additional fields on the provider add screen.

To Add Provider Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Provider Profile Questions section and click the Add button

  5. Enter the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name - enter the name of the profile question

    • Question - the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required - if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer - the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered - if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type - select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List - if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options - values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table - if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table - select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer - If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  6. Click Save to save the profile question; or Save/New to save the question and create another

To Delete Provider Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Provider Profile Questions section

  5. Select the check box next to the appropriate profile question(s)

  6. Click the Delete button


Editing Provider Profile Questions






Edit | List




To Edit Provider Profile Questions

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Provider Profile Questions section on the screen

  5. Select the appropriate Profile Question from the list

  6. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name - enter the name of the profile question

    • Question - the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required - if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer - the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered - if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type - select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List - if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options - values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table - if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table - select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer - If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  7. Click Save

You also have the option of selecting which roles have access or restricted access to the profile questions entered at the bottom of the screen. If any modifications are made to this section click the Save button at the bottom of the screen in order to save the role restrictions.

Resource Categories






Edit | List


The resource category section found on the resource type’s edit screen allows you to categorize your types into manageable sections. This can be useful if you are providing DID phone numbers to different geographic locations. For example, your customer would like a phone number with a 519 area code within the city of Waterloo however they are located in Cambridge. You could set up a Waterloo group that contains all the 519 dial patterns to quickly find an available number within that location for them and another category of Cambridge.

To view Resource Categories

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Categories section

Adding Resource Categories






Edit | List


Add | Delete


This screen allows you to create management sections or categories for your resource types. These can include such things as geographic location dial patterns for DID phone numbers if necessary.

To Add Resource Categories

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Categories section and click the Add button

  5. Enter the Name of the category

  6. Click Save to save the category; or Save/New to save the category and create another

To Delete Resource Categories

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Categories section

  5. Select the check box next to the categories to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button

  7. Click OK when asked 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item(s)?'

Editing Resource Categories






Edit | List




The resource categories edit screen allows you to change or modify the name of your categories. Also located at the bottom of this page is the option to assign the category to specific owners. If you would like to assign a category to a specific owner see, Resource Category Owner Assignments for more details.

To Edit Resource Categories

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Categories section

  5. Click the name of the resource category you wish to rename under the Resource Categories section

  6. Modify the Name field on the page that loads

  7. Click Save to save your changes

Resource Category Owner Assignment






Edit | List




The Resource Category Owner Assignment screen located under the resource category edit screen allows you to assign owners to specific categories. This allows for further categorizing and management of your resource categories, allowing your Canadian owners to only offer Canadian dial patterns for example while your US owners offering your US dial patterns. Therefore, each category must be assigned to an owner in order for such owner to be able to offer the resource type.

To View Resource Category Owner Assignments

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list


Adding Resource Category Owner Assignments






Edit | List




Each category must be assigned to an owner in order for such owner to be able to offer the resource type. For example, you might want to segment your Canadian and US resource types in to separate categories so that each respected owner can manage only their territory.

Once an owner is assigned to a particular category, a quick link will be added to their setup menu under the Resource Management section. Clicking on this link will allow them to manage their Resource Items and Item Pools. For more information see Resource Type Management.

To Add Resource Category Owner Assignments

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Categories section and click the name to select the category from the list

  5. Click on the Add button under the Resource Category Owner Assignment section

  6. Select the Owner from the pick list in the Target Owner field

  7. Click Save to save the owner; or Save/New to save the owner and add another

To Delete Resource Category Owner Assignments

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Category section and select the category from the list

  5. Select the check box next to the Resource Category Owner Assignment(s) to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button

  7. Click OK when asked 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item(s)?'

Resource Provider Requests






Edit | List


The resource provider request section allows you to keep track and create an audit trail of requests for each of your resource types. Requests for IP addresses or DID phone numbers are usually done manually either over the phone or via email directly to the provider. Once a request is initiated its details including the provider, quantity and associated category can be recorded within the system.

Profile questions can also be added to the Resource Provider Requests. If you have a list of additional fields that you would like to capture information for, configure your provider request profile questions prior to entering provider requests into the system. Provider profile questions are also specific to the provider request made under this category and are not shared with other categories. You will have to enter like profile questions under the other categories. See Provider Request Profile Questions for more details.


To View Resource Provider Requests

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Provider Requests section

Adding Resource Provider Requests








Edit | List


Requests for IP addresses or DID phone numbers are usually done manually either over the phone or via email directly to the provider. Once a request is initiated its details including the provider, quantity and associated category can be recorded within the system.

Profile questions can also be added to the Resource Provider Requests. If you have a list of additional fields that you would like to capture information for, configure your provider request profile questions prior to entering provider requests into the system. Provider profile questions are also specific to the provider request made under this category and are not shared with other categories. You will have to enter like profile questions under the other categories.

See Provider Request Profile Questions for more details.Due to the fact that requests are not actually sent directly to the provider or carriers as outlined above, there is no option to delete a request. This feature is merely used to track requests that have been made and so that your providers can manage, fulfill, and attach resource types to accounts within the system.

To Add Resource Provider Requests

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Provider Requests section

  5. Click on the Add button

  6. Enter the information as outlined below:

    • Resource Type Category – The category assigned to this request, select the appropriate category from the pick list

    • Resource Type Provider – The provider assigned to the request, select the appropriate provider from the pick list

    • Quantity – The total quantity of resource items being requested, enter a numerical value in this field
      Note: If you have predefined any request profile questions, each will appear under the Quantity field. Enter the appropriate information for any of those fields as required

  7. Click Save to save the request; or Save/New to save the request and add another

Editing Resource Provider Requests






Add | Edit | Fulfill


Add | Delete | Edit | List


The resource provider requests edit screen is divided into the following three sections:

  • Basic Request Information - Located at the top of the screen, allows you to modify the category, provider, and quantity (outlined below)

  • Components - Lists any profile question information added during the initial request or available options by clicking the Add button

  • History - Displays an audit trail of the request, including the Date, Detail and Account that initiated the request or preformed an action on the request

To Edit Resource Provider Requests

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Provider Requests section

  5. Click on the ID number within the first column

  6. Modify the information as outlined below:

    • Resource Type Category – The category assigned to this request, select the appropriate category from the pick list

    • Resource Type Provider – The provider assigned to the request, select the appropriate provider from the pick list

    • Quantity – The total quantity of resource items being requested, enter a numerical value in this field. Note: If you have predefined any request profile questions, each will appear under the Quantity field. Enter the appropriate information for any of those fields as required

  7. Click Save to save the request

Fulfilling Resource Provider Requests






Edit | Fulfill


Edit | List


Once a request has been made and recorded within the system as described in previous sections the next step is to wait until such request is fulfill. Upon confirmation that the requested resource items have been delivered or assigned you can now FULFILL the request within the system by following the steps below.

To Fulfill Provider Requests

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Provider Request section

  5. Click on the ID number of the appropriate request from the first column

  6. Click the FulFill button at the top of the screen

Once the FulFill button is clicked, you will be redirected to the FulFill Request screen. This screen is designed to allow you to now enter the resource items (i.e. DID phone numbers) that have been requested and fulfilled.

  1. Enter the first item in the text box at the top of the screen and then click the Add button. If you have requested a range of IP addresses or DID numbers they can be entered as; 5192210000-0009. However, in order to add a block of numbers using this short cut you will have to make sure that the appropriate script was added to the Resource Types in the Item Quantity field

  2. Once all items have been entered, click the Save button

Once the request has been fulfilled as outlined above, your initial request will be removed from the Resource Provider Requests table. Further management of these items is now done via the quick link to the resource items located under the Resource Management section of the Setup menu. See Resource Item Management for more details.

Provider Request Components










Edit | List


Components or profile questions can be attached to resource provider requests in one of two ways, during the initial configuration of the request or after the request has been entered. However, such profile questions must be predefined as outlined in the Provider Request Profile Questions section.

In this section we’ll describe how to attach profile questions to requests that have already been entered into the system.

To Add Provider Request Profile Answers

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Resource Provider Requests section on the screen and click the ID number or the appropriate one from the first column

  5. Under the Components section, click the Add button and select the profile question to be answered

  6. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name – enter the name of the profile question

    • Question – the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required – if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer – the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered – if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type – select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List – if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options – values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table – if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table – select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer – If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  7. Click Save

Editing Provider Request Components










Edit | List


To Edit Provider Request Profile Answers

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Resource Provider Requests section on the screen and click the ID number or the appropriate one from the first column

  5. Under the Components section, click the Add button and select the profile question to be answered

  6. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name - enter the name of the profile question

    • Question - the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required - if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer - the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered - if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type - select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List - if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options - values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table - if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table - select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer - If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  7. Click Save

Deleting Provider Request Components










Edit | List


To Delete Provider Request Profile Answers

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Resource Provider Requests section on the screen and click the ID number or the appropriate one from the first column

  5. Under the Components section, click on the word DELETE next to the profile question to be deleted

Provider Request Profile Questions








Edit | List


Profile question can be assigned to provider requests and are shown on the resource type’s edit screen as illustrated below. These are commonly used to gather additional information pertaining to the provider request.

To View Provider Request Profile Questions

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Provider Request Profile Questions section

Adding Provider Request Profile Questions










Edit | List


Components or profile questions can be attached to resource provider requests in one of two ways, during the initial configuration of the request or after the request has been entered. However, such profile questions must be predefined as outlined below.

To Add Provider Request Profile Questions

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Provider Request Profile Questions section on the screen and click the Add button

  5. Edit the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name - enter the name of the profile question

    • Question - the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required - if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer - the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered - if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type - select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List - if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options - values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table - if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table - select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer - If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  6. Click Save to save to profile question; or Save/New to save the questions and enter another

To Delete Provider Request Profile Questions

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Provider Request Profile Questions section

  5. Select the check box next to the question(s) to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button


Editing Provider Request Profile Questions










Edit | List


To Edit Provider Request Profile Answers

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Resource Types under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the name to select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Provider Request Profile Questions section on the screen and click on the name of the question from the list

  5. Modify the information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Name – enter the name of the profile question

    • Question – the question (text) that will appear during the process of adding this action

    • Required – if checked, an answer to this question is required

    • Default Answer – the profile answer field will contain this value as the default

    • Entered – if selected, the answer will be validated based on the Data Type selected below

    • Data Type – select the data type used to validate the profile answer entered

    • Selected From List – if selected, the answer options will be based on the details entered in the Options field below

    • Options – values entered in this field will be used to create a pick list of available answers, separated with a comma

    • Selected From Table – if selected, the answer options will be driven from a table within the database based on your selection below

    • Table – select the table from the database to use for available answers

    • Unique Answer – If selected, the answered entered must be unique and not match any other within the system

  6. Click Save

Hierarchy Child Types






Add | Delete | Edit | List


Add | Delete


The Hierarchy Child Types option gives you the ability to create a relationship between two different Resource Types. For example, you can say that a DID phone number belongs to a Circuit.

To Add Hierarchy Child Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Hierarchy Child Types section on the screen

  5. Click the Add button

  6. Select the Child Resource Type from the pick list

  7. Click the Save button to save your selection, or Save/New to save the select and enter another

To Delete Hierarchy Child Types

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the appropriate resource type from the list

  4. Scroll to the Hierarchy Child Types section on the screen

  5. Select the check box next to the Hierarchy to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button

  7. Click OK when asked 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item(s)?'

Hold Rules








Sometimes an organization or individual customer may request a specific DID phone number or block of IP addresses. Using the Hold Rules option you can set how long held numbers are available and other details allowing you to manage and categorize hold rule more accurately.

To View Hold Rules

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Hold Rules option under the Resource Management section

Adding Hold Rules






Add | Delete | List


Whenever a resource type item is placed on hold for a client a rule can be attached to it. This allows for automating the process of releasing items back in to inventory if the item is not acquired or to hold items for clients who request specific details.

To Add Hold Rules

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Hold Rules option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click the Add button

  4. Enter the information on the screen as outlined below:

    • Name – A descriptive name for the hold rule

    • Resource Item Event Type – The pick list options (Added, Assigned, and Released) gives you the option to select which event will trigger the hold rule

    • Duration – Specifies the amount of time the hold rule will be applied for. Short hand text can be used the following legend:

      • Y - Years

      • M - Months

      • D - Days

      • h - Hours

      • m - Minutes

      • s - Seconds
        Therefore, in order to hold an item for 3 months and 15 days text would be entered as: 3M15D

    • Resource Type - Hold rules must be attached to a specific Resource Type. Select the resource type from the pick list

    • Resource Type Category - This optional field is populated based on the Resource Type selected above. To assign a hold rule to a category select it from the pick list

    • Resource Item Pool - Optional field populated from values of the owners resource item pool. Used as an additional drill down of items

  5. Click the Save to save the hold rule; or Save/New to save the rule and configure another

To Delete Hold Rules

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Hold Rules option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the check box next to the Hold Rules to be deleted

  4. Click the Delete button

  5. Click OK when asked 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected item(s)?'

Editing Hold Rules






Edit | List


To Edit Hold Rules

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Hold Rules option under the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the hold rule to be modified

  4. Modify the information on the screen as outlined below:

    • Name - A descriptive name for the hold rule

    • Resource Item Event Type - The pick list options (Added, Assigned, and Released) gives you the option to select which event will trigger the hold rule

    • Duration - Specifies the amount of time the hold rule will be applied for. Short hand text can be used the following legend:

      • Y - Years

      • M - Months

      • D - Days

      • h - Hours

      • m - Minutes

      • s - Seconds
        Therefore, in order to hold an item for 3 months and 15 days text would be entered as: 3M15D

      • Resource Type - Hold rules must be attached to a specific Resource Type. Select the resource type from the pick list

      • Resource Type Category - This optional field is populated based on the Resource Type selected above. To assign a hold rule to a category select it from the pick list

      • Resource Item Pool - Optional field populated from values of the owners resource item pool. Used as an additional drill down of items

  5. Click the Save to save the hold rule

Resource Items








As described in previous sections, when an owner is assigned to a resource type category a quick link to their resource items will appear under the Resource Management section in the form of; ResourceType(CategoryName). Clicking on a particular option under that section will land you on the Resource Items edit screen.

This screen is divided into two main sections. The top of the screen allows owners to see a list of their assigned resource items, ability to Delete, Hold, and Unhold particular items as well as edit details of each and assign Hierarchy Child Types.

The bottom of the screen gives the owner the option to create item pools which can be assigned to hold rules as well. Pools allow you to further category your resource items. For example if you are offering DID phone numbers in a large municipality, you can section off sections of the location to better manage your items and quickly look up available items based on client requests.

To View Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the specific ResourceType (CategoryName) option under the Resource Management section (i.e. Telecom (Waterloo-519) Management)

Holding Resource Items










When a request is made to hold a particular resource item the following steps will guide you through that process.

To Hold Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the check box next to the resource item(s) you would like to place on hold

  4. Click the Hold button

  5. Enter the amount of time to hold the item for in the Duration field

  6. Click Save to save the hold, or Save/New to save the hold and add another

Once an item is placed on hold the resource item list will display this change within the Status Type column as well as who placed the item on hold.

To Unhold Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from under the Resource Management section

  3. Select the check box next to the resource item(s) you would like to release

  4. Click the Unhold button

Editing Resource Items










The resource item edit screen is divided into three main sections. The top of the screen allows you to modify the category and pool the item is associated with, outlined below.

The next two sections; Hierarchy Child Items, gives you the ability to create a relationship between two different Resource Types. For example, you can say that a DID phone number belongs to a Circuit; History, provides an audit trail of the resource item like when it was created.

To Edit Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Modify the Resource Type Category and/or Resource Item Pool as necessary

  5. Click the Save button

Deleting Resource Items









To Delete Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the check box next to the Resource Item in the list

  4. Click the Delete button

Hierarchy Child Items












Located on the Resource Item’s edit screen the Hierarchy Child Items, gives you the ability to create a relationship between two different Resource Types. For example, you can say that a DID phone number belongs to a Circuit; History, provides an audit trail of the resource item like when it was created.

To Add Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Hierarchy Child Items section

  5. Click the Add button

  6. Select the Child Resource Item from the pick list

  7. Click the Save button

To Delete Resource Items

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Hierarchy Child Items section

  5. Select the check box next to the resource item to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button

Resource Item Pools










Located on the Resource Item’s edit screen the Resource Item Pools section gives you the ability to segment your items in to smaller more manageable sections. For example, if you provide DID phone numbers to a large municipality you could section off the city into smaller sections.

To View Resource Item Pools

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Item Pools section

Adding Resource Item Pools








Add | Delete




To Add Resource Item Pools

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Item Pools section

  5. Click the Add button

  6. Enter the Name of the pool

  7. Click Save to save the pool; or Save/New to save the pool and create another

To Delete Resource Item Pools

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Item Pool Items section

  5. Select the check box next to the resource item Pool to be deleted

  6. Click the Delete button

Editing Resource Item Pools












To Edit Resource Item Pools

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the appropriate Resource Item from the Resource Management section

  3. Click on the Name of the Resource Item you would like to modify

  4. Scroll down to the Resource Item Pool section

  5. Click on the Name of the Resource Item Pool from the list

  6. Modify the name of the item pool

  7. Click the Save button

Adding Resource Types to Packages






List | Edit


Add | Delete


Now that your resource types and items have been requested and fulfilled, you can now attach them to your packages so that they can be assigned to accounts. The first step is to attach them to packages in the form of a component. This process is outlined below.

To ADD Resource Component to Packages

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Packages under the Packages and Services section

  3. Select the package from the list

  4. Scroll down to the Components section and click the Add button

  5. Select Resource from the drop down menu

  6. Enter appropriate information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    1. Package Service Connector - Select the service to attach the resource to from the pick list

    2. Resource Type - Select the appropriate resource type from the pick list. You can add additional types by clicking the + sign and completing the onscreen fields

    3. Resource Type Category - Select the category from the pick list

    4. Resource Item Pool - Select the appropriate resource pool from the pick list

  7. Click Save

To Delete Resource Component from Packages

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Packages under the Packages and Services section

  3. Select the package from the list

  4. Click on the word Delete from the appropriate Resource line item

Editing Resource Components






List | Edit




To Edit Package Credit Card Auth Only

  1. Click Setup

  2. Select Packages under the Packages and Services section

  3. Select the package from the list

  4. Scroll down to the components section and click on the Resource to be edited

  5. Enter appropriate information in the fields provided as outlined below:

    • Package Service Connector - Select the service to attach the resource to from the pick list

    • Resource Type - Select the appropriate resource type from the pick list. You can add additional types by clicking the + sign and completing the onscreen fields

    • Resource Type Category - Select the category from the pick list

    • Resource Item Pool - Select the appropriate resource pool from the pick list

  6. Click Save

Assigning Resources to Accounts






List | Edit




To ADD Resource Component to User Packages

  1. Click Packages

  2. Select the appropriate Package from the list

  3. Under the Services section, select the appropriate service from the list that the resource was attached to

  4. Click the Add button under the Components section

  5. Select Resource from the popup menu

  6. Click on the available Resource Items from the Name column

Profile Question Columns

If the Resource Type has Profile Questions then you can add an additional column to the Resource Item selection list for each Profile Question that exists. Simply use the View menu to enable the extra columns you wish to see on the report.

For example, if your DID Resource Type has a Profile Question of ‘City’ that indicates which City each DID belongs to, then you can add a “City” column to the Resource Item selection list that will show the City for each DID.


When assigning a Resource to a Service, either by adding a new Account with a Package, adding a new Package to an existing Account, or editing a Service on an existing Package, if there are no items Available then you can click the Backorder button. The Package will be added but the Service will not be provisioned. When new items become available in the appropriate Resource Type Category an item will be automatically assigned and the Service will be provisioned.









The system can be configured to automatically generate a Resource Request when the quantity of available items falls below a certain level. Reorders are processed automatically by the system each night just after midnight.

To View Reorders

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Click on Resource Types

  3. Click on the appropriate Resource Type

Adding Reorders










Whenever a resource type item is placed on hold for a client a rule can be attached to it. This allows for automating the process of releasing items back in to inventory if the item is not acquired or to hold items for clients who request specific details.

To Add Hold Rules

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select a Resource Type

  4. In the Resource Reorders section click Add

  5. Enter the information on the screen as outlined below:

    • Resource Type Category - Choose the category of items that should be reordered

    • Resource Type Provider - Choose the Provider from which the new items should be ordered

    • Threshold Minimum - Enter the minimum quantity of items that should be kept on hand. When the quantity of available items falls below this number a new Resource Request will be created

    • Threshold Maximum - Enter the maximum quantity of items that should be kept on hand. When the Resource Request is created the quantity will be calculated from this value. That is, if the Minimum is 20 and the Maximum is 100, if the available quantity falls to 15 a Resource Request with a quantity of 85 will be created

  6. Click the Save to save the reorder; or Save/New to save and configure another

To Delete Reorders

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select a Resource Type

  4. Select the check box next to the Reorder to be deleted

  5. Click the Delete button

Editing Reorders










To Edit Reorders

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select a Resource Type

  4. Click on the Name of the Reorder to be modified

  5. Modify the information on the screen as outlined below:

    • Resource Type Category - Choose the category of items that should be reordered

    • Resource Type Provider - Choose the Provider from which the new items should be ordered

    • Threshold Minimum - Enter the minimum quantity of items that should be kept on hand. When the quantity of available items falls below this number a new Resource Request will be created

    • Threshold Maximum - Enter the maximum quantity of items that should be kept on hand. When the Resource Request is created the quantity will be calculated from this value. That is, if the Minimum is 20 and the Maximum is 100, if the available quantity falls to 15 a Resource Request with a quantity of 85 will be created

  6. Click the Save to save the reorder

Reorders and Profiles










If the Resource Type has Provider Request Profile Questions then when the Resource Request is created those questions will need answers. When the Reorder is created you will need to specify the answers to these questions.

  1. Click on Setup

  2. Select the Resource Types option under the Resource Management section

  3. Select a Resource Type

  4. Click on the Name of the Reorder to be modified

  5. Under the Components section click the Add button

  6. Click the name of a Profile Question from the list that popped up. If there is nothing in the list then all questions have been answered

  7. Enter the appropriate answer to the question in the Value field

  8. Click Save

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