Importing Resources
Module Required:
The functionality described below requires that you have the Resource Management module enabled in the EngageIP AdminPortal, if the module is not active the options detailed in this article will not be present in your EngageIP installation. Contact your LogiSense account representative if you wish to discuss adding this module to your installation.
This article provides a sample scenario on importing Resources. When performing the import for your system you will need adjust the process according to your configuration.
Sample Scenario
Load the AdminPortal and click on Setup
Under the heading Resource Management click Resource Types
On the Resource Types page that loads click on the Add button
Enter a name for your new Resource Type (i.e. 'MyResource')
Click the Save button
Click on the name of your newly created resource type and:
Define a Resource Provider: myprovider
Define a Resource Category: mycategory
Click on the name of the newly created category and click Add in the Resource Category Owner Assignments to assign it to your Owner
Navigate back to the Setup page and click your new resource type that is displayed in the Resource Management section
Under the heading Resource Item Pools Click Add and create a resource item pool (i.e. 'mypool')
Update the sample script below with the names you have chosen
Import them on the setup page / import link
Repeat this for any new resources you need to add (this process this will add only one)
To add multiple resources of the same type, update the quantity to the number of rows you'll have in the import this time, and duplicate the 'ResourceItem' tag, one for each new item (where the number increments each time as the label, i.e. a phone number 5192490508, then 5192490509, then 5192490510 and so on. The example below only has one ResourceItem tag row so this example only imports one item.
Sample Script
For the following script to function you need to:
Replace the /Owner=LogiSense Corporation with the Owner you want to import the resource into
Change the /Service=Monthly Service to match the service name you want to add the resource item to
Change the /User=testaccount to the the proper EngageIP user in your setup
<Reference Name="QA_Owner" Value="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation" />
<Reference Name="QA_SERVICE_VOIP" Value="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/Service=Monthly Service" />
<ResourceRequest ResourceType="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource" ResourceTypeCategory="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource/ResourceTypeCategory=mycategory" ResourceTypeProvider="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource/ResourceTypeProvider=myprovider" Quantity="1" Filled="true" ReferenceName="QA_RR_IMPORT" />
<ProfileQuestion Name="AreaCode" Question="Area Code" DataType="/DataType=Text" Required="true" ReferenceName="QA_RTAPQ_PQ" />
<ProfileAnswer Value="519" ProfileQuestion="@QA_RTAPQ_PQ" ReferenceName="QA_RIAPA_PA" />
<ResourceTypeAttributeProfileQuestion ResourceType="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource" ProfileQuestion="@QA_RTAPQ_PQ" ReferenceName="QA_RTAPQ" />
<ResourceItem Name="5196582736" ResourceTypeCategory="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource/ResourceTypeCategory=mycategory" ResourceRequest="@QA_RR_IMPORT" ResourceItemStatusType="/ResourceItemStatusType=Allocated" ResourceType="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource" ReferenceName="RI_5196582736" />
<ResourceItemResourceItemPoolConnector ResourceItemPool="/Owner=LogiSense Corporation/ResourceType=MyResource/ResourceTypeCategory=mycategory/ResourceTypeCategoryOwner.Target_Owner=@QA_Owner/ResourceItemPool=mypool" ResourceItem="@RI_5196582736" />
<ResourceItemAttributeProfileAnswer ResourceItem="@RI_5196582736" ResourceTypeAttributeProfileQuestion="@QA_RTAPQ" ProfileAnswer="@QA_RIAPA_PA" />
<UserServiceAttributeResource UserService="/User=testaccount/UserService.Service=@QA_SERVICE_VOIP" ResourceItem="@RI_5196582736" />