Realex Credit Card Processor Configuration
This article outlines the configuration options when using Realex as your Credit Card Processor in EngageIP Billing.
Note: The Realex Payment gateway is currently not integrated with the standard EngageIP Ibiz integration (Ibiz supports 30+ different processors but does not support Realex).
Card Processor Configuration
Note: For Mastercards to work, the Card type (in CardTypeType table) needs to be 'MC', not 'Mastercard'. The common error shown for this is: Transaction not submitted: Invalid credit card type specified.
Configuration Steps:
Ensure you have the dll called 'RealAuth.dll' in the Adminportal/bin folder and other service folders (cardprocessor.dll has the logic included beyond this dll for realex)
Load the Setup Tab and click on Card Processors
Click Add
Enter a Name for this processor (enter anything you want, this is just an identifier)
In the Card Gateway list select 'RealexPayment'
Enter your Merchant Login = MerchantID
Enter the Merchant Password = Rebate password
Enter the Attribute = Realex Merchant Account
Enter the Configuration = Realex secret
Note: as of EngageIP the ability to change the currency (default EUR) has been added. Simply add the currency you wish to use in the Configuration line (e.g. Currency=USD,MerchantSecret=secret)
Click Save
Testing the Configuration
To test, attempt to process a credit card, then review the following reports for errors:
Payment Decline
EngageIP Event Log