Tax Reports Overview
The following article outlines the available tax reports within EngageIP Billing.
Taxes Payable Report
This report shows all taxes applied to charges along with the Account, Owner, Date, Tax Rate, Tax Codes and Tax Categories applied. Charges may show on multiple rows as the tax applied to each charge is broken out per Tax Rate. This is demonstrated in the Example Scenario below where both GST and PST were applied to a service charge.
If you click on the View link you’ll see options to summarize and filter this listing of taxes shown below. The options include date range, filter by tax rate, or tax code etc. Also, by unselecting items in this window, you can summarize the columns.
You can also export or print the view that you have selected once you have the data you want by using the tools links. Clicking export will present you with an XML formatted data view which you can then import into Microsoft Excel. To print the list as is on screen, simply click the print button and print to a local or network printer.
Sales By Service Report
The sales by service report will also provide tax information per service as shown. This is a useful way to summarize taxes per service or per account in addition to the taxes payable report.
Invoice Report
The invoice report displays the total tax per invoice and again adds the ability to summarize by account, invoice, etc.