Concurrent Calls Report


This article outlines the how to configure a Concurrent Calls report.

This report will take the filtered data based on the values entered into the initial view and create a table that illustrates the peak number of concurrent calls per hour for a given range of dates.  If the returned data shows 1, there were no concurrent calls. If it shows 2, there were 2 calls at the same time during that hour, if it shows 5 there were 5 calls all at the exact same time in that hour.

Configuration Steps

Permissions Required:

in order to access and view the concurrent call report the following Role Permissions must be set: Reports (Menu) & ConcurrentCallReport (List)

  1. Click on Reports

  2. Under the Owner Reports heading click Concurrent Calls

  3. Under the Scheduled Reports heading click the Add button to add a new scheduled concurrent call report

  4. Complete the configuration including when the report should generate and how often it should generate a new report (once, weekly, etc.).  Fill out the filters on call records as needed. The start and end dates determine when and how long the report should be scheduled for

    • Name - enter a descriptive name for the report

    • Start Date - the date on which to start the analysis or the start date of the reporting period

    • End Date - the date on which to end the analysis or the end date of the reporting period

    • Generation Date - if no start or end date are specified above this is the date the report will be generated on. Defaults to the current date

    • Report Queue Schedule Type - the interval at which the run is to be run, (i.e. Daily, Monthly, Once, or Weekly). Regardless of which option is selected here the report will display the peak number of calls on an hourly basis

    • Owner - the owner to associate the report with (note the owners email address will be where notification emails are sent if Email Settings have been configured in the AdminPortal)

    • Account - the account from which call details will be collected from for the report

    • Calling Number - the calling number to filter the report by

    • Called Number - the called number to filter the report by

    • Value - duration of the call after rounding and bucketing in seconds (this is the value used to calculate Amount)

    • Value Actual - duration of the call after rounding and without bucketing in seconds (this is the value used to calculate Amount Rated & cost)

    • Cost - if you have some UDR Rate Groups set as use for cost, they will be used to calculate the cost base on Value actual. If no “use for cost” UDR Rate Groups this amount will default to $0

    • Amount - price of the call based on the duration “Value” and the not “use for cost rate groups; this is the price used for billing

    • Amount Rated - price of the call based on the duration “value Actual” and the not “use for cost” rate groups

    • UDR Rate Plan - the name of the rate plan used to rate this call

    • UDR Class - call type based on the originating and terminating number and the call direction, this is mostly used by the rating engine to determine the rate to be used for the call

  5. The report will be generated in the background IF the start date is equal to or less then now. It may take 30 minutes to an hour depending on data size and system load. Ensure that the Event Manager service is running on the web / application server. The report starts to generate right away if generate date is less then NOW, however it may take some time to generate depending data filters and server performance

Notification Email

A notification email will be sent when the report is generated if Email Settings have been configured in the AdminPortal.

In EngageIP or higher:

The email will contain a "report completed" message and the ID of the report so you can look it up under Reports / Concurrent Calls / Available Reports.

In earlier EngageIP versions:

The email will contain a URL that links to the report.

Extra Detail:

  • The url is composed in the event manager as below: "<a href=\"http://" + System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() + System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "/concurrentcallreport/view.rails?id=" + reportID + "\">Click here to view this report</a>"