Account Profiles are configured in Account / Profile / Packages
This screen allows you to see what packages are present on an account as well as manage and bill account packages. A package is a container for services which have prices associated with them. E.g. a package could contain 'Monthly Service A' with a $50.00 price and 'Monthly Service B' with a $25.00 price resulting in a monthly package charge of $75.00. Services by themselves cannot be added to an account directly, they are always contained in a package.
Many configuration options exist which allow you to customize account packages, for instance (depending on your permissions) you can:
Add a contract to a package
Change the package's bill day
Change service prices
Apply a temporary price discount to services in the package
Add or change a rate plan to apply specific usage rates (data usage rates, voice usage rates, etc.) to the package or services within the package.
Add, change or remove recurring or one-time services in the package
This guide will cover how to add, remove and edit account packages along with details on the functions and settings that are presented on this screen.
Account Packages Panel
The Account Packages panel towards the left of this screen allows you to select existing packages present on the account so that you can view or edit the package settings on the Edit Account Packages panel on the right. Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.