Within these release notes you will find descriptions of new features, enhancements and API changes in the LogiSense Billing application. The content below details changes in major release versions, point release versions and hotfixes. If you have any questions about the information provided below please do not hesitate to contact your LogiSense support representative.
In this article:
10.6.0 Release Notes
Change Highlights
Account Menu and Screen Changes:
Other Account Enhancements:
Product Catalog Enhancements:
Other Enhancements and Fixes
10.6.0 API Changes
API versions vX is deprecated as of this release
API Version 8 is introduced in this release
Deprecated APIs:
Usage/Class/GroupType (Get)
Account/Service/Discount/Tracking (Get)
Updated APIs:
Report/Storage: ReportId removed, ReportDefinitionId changed to not null
ReportDefinition: ReportId removed from ReportFilters details
ReportDefinition: ReportDefinitionId changed to not null in ReportLayout and ReportStyle details
v8/Account: added Lifeline { get; set; }
v8/Package: Renamed SyncToBillDay to BillOnAccountBillDay
v8/Account/Package (Get, Post, Put, Patch): removed TermId { get; set; } and TermName { get; set; }
v8/Account/Package (Post, Put, Patch): added Details.PackageTerms
v8/Account/Package/{id}/Detail (Get): added Details.PackageTerms, Renamed Details.PackageContract
to Details.LatestPackageTerm, added Details.LatestPackageTerm
v8/Invoice/Item (Get, Post, Put, Patch): added GeneralLedgerId { get; set; } and ServiceTaxCategoryId { get; set; }
v8/Package/Service/PricePlan (Get): added packageServiceDiscounts to Detail
v8/Package/Frequency (Post, Put, Patch): added packageServiceDiscounts to pricePlans Details
v8/Term (Get, Post, Put, Patch): added TermRenewalTypeId { get; set; } and RenewTermId { get; set; }
v8/Invoice/Item (Get, Post, Put, Patch): added PreDiscountAmount { get; set; }
v8/Invoice/Item/{id}/Detail (Get): added Detail.Discounts GeneralLedgerId { get; set; } and GeneralLedgerName { get; set; }
v8/Invoice/Item/Credit (Post): added GeneralLedgerId { get; set; }, GeneralLedgerName { get; set; }, ServiceTaxCategoryId { get; set; } and ServiceTaxCategoryName { get; set; }
v8/Account/Package (Post, Patch): added discountPromoCodes to AccountService details
v8/Account/SharePlan/{id}/Detail (Get): added Quantity { get; set; } to details, participation, items
v8/Account/Package/FromCatalog (Post, Patch): added PackageTerms { get; set; }
v8/Invoice/{id}/Detail (Get): added ReportStorageStatusTypeId { get; set; } and ReportStorageStatusTypeName { get; set; }
v8/Account/SharePlan (Get): Removed Details.ViewSharePlanBucketUsageByServices (These details are still available through the /Account/SharePlan/BucketUsage/ByService API)
v8/Service (Get, Patch, Post): Renamed ‘IsInclusiveTaxes' to 'IsTaxInclusive’
v8/Invoice/Item/Credit (Post): added IsTaxInclusive { get; set; }
v8/Invoice/Item (Get, Patch, Post): added IsTaxInclusive { get; set; }
v8/Package/Service/PricePlan (Get, Patch, Post): added IsTaxInclusive { get; set; }
v8/Account/Service (Get, Patch, Post): added IsTaxInclusive { get; set; } and ServiceTaxCategoryId { get; set; }
v8/Package/Frequency (Get): added IsTaxInclusive column to PricePlans details
v8/Order (Get, Patch, Post): added applyDefaultDiscount to orderPackages details
v8/Account/Package/FromCatalog (Post): added applyDefaultDiscount to root
v8/Package/Frequency (Get, Post, Patch): added ‘transitionLimit’ nullable int to detail level ‘transitionPrices’
V8/Order (Get, Post, Patch): added ‘billDay’ and ‘usageBillDay’ override options to orderPackages details
New APIs:
For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on logisense.com.