Service Transitions are configured in Setup / Product Catalog / Service / Service Transitions
Guides in this article:
Service transitions allow you to charge a fee when a service changes from one status to another (e.g. pre-active to active). When configuring package frequencies you can add service transitions and specify a transition charge for any recurring charged service configured on the package (e.g. apply a $50 reactivation fee when ‘Service X’ goes from ‘Suspended’ to ‘Active’ status).
Transition charges can only be configured on recurring charged services, fees or other one-time charges on price frequencies cannot be configured with transition charges.
Service statuses need to be configured before service transitions can be setup.
Service Transitions Panel
The Service Transitions panel on the left of this screen allows you to select existing transitions to view and edit on the Edit Service Transition panel. Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Icon | Description |
Deletes the selected service transition. Service transitions that are in use cannot be deleted | |
Adds a new service transition |
Edit Service Transition Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected service transition. From here you can change transition details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Service Transition Fields and Options:
Name: this is a name that describes the transition you are configuring and should reflect your internal terminology, e.g. 'Activation', 'Reactivation', 'Suspension', etc.
From Status: this indicates the status the service is changing from, e.g. you can set this field to a 'Suspended' service status and the 'To Status' field to a 'Active' service status to create a 'Un-suspend' or 'Reactivate' transition. The statuses shown in the 'From Status' list are populated with the Service Statuses you have defined, the explanation of what statuses mean in the system can be found in the service status help. The From Status field by default will include a status called [New], meaning 'Newly Created' (essentially [New] is 'from nothing'). New can only be set in the 'From Status' field, once a status is changed from 'New' to another status, the service status can never be switched back to New again
To Status: this value works in conjunction with the 'From Status' field to define a transition. E.g. a From Status value of 'Active' with a To Status value of 'Canceled' would setup one type of 'Cancelation' transition. See the From Status description above for more information
References tab
This section indicates where the selected service transition is in use. When references exist a 'Filter References' field will be shown which allows you to filter down to the references that you wish to see.
Adding Service Transitions
At the top of the Service Transitions panel click the
Enter a Name, From Status and To Status for the new service transition
Click Save
Editing Service Transitions
Select the service transition you wish to edit in the Service Transitions panel on the left
In the Edit Service Transition panel modify the values as desired
Click the Save button
Deleting Service Transitions
Note: Service transitions that are configured on package frequencies are in use and cannot be deleted. In order to delete a transition in use, first determine which package frequencies are configured with the transition by checking the References tab and then edit those package frequencies to use another service transition.
Select the service transition you wish to delete in the Service Transition panel on the left
Click the
Confirm that you wish to delete the transition on the modal window