This article details the Note component found on a user/account's Overview tab. Notes displayed on the Overview tab will show their contents and Note type.
Adding a Note to an Account
Load the Overview tab of the customers account and click on Components / Note
Notes can have a set Type (the stock type is 'Default'), when adding a Note a drop down list is presented with ability to select a type. Clicking '+' operates the same way as other points within EngageIP (i.e. a new screen presented with text box allowing you to create new note Types). There is also a entry on the Setup tab for Note Types. A check box to 'Show On Overview Components' allows you to choose whether to show it at the top of the overview page or simply only show it in the list under the tickets list where all notes are shown.
The Delete link is available in keeping with existing permissions. Clients can choose to make Notes not editable with existing permissions.
If Note permissions are set to Edit, users may click on the note to view more details.
If the Note is not editable, there should be no hyperlink active. If there is a need to view the Note creator or time of last update/create, the EngageIP administrator will have to enable the Edit capabilities.
Adding a Note Type
Users with permissions can add a Note Type by:
Clicking on the Setup tab
Under the Configuration section click Note types
From the Note Types page notes can be Added or Deleted
Clicking the 'Add' button will bring the following screen. Error checking will detect duplicate notes and ignore them
A new section on the overview page has been added to provide detailed information about notes for tracking purposes (as shown below). From this section you can add notes and set whether or not to show them at the top of the overview page under the 'components' section.
From this extra section, you can also filter, sort and export any of the notes on a customer account.