This article describes when EngageIP will send emails and how emails are sent.
Ticket Emails
When emails are sent from EngageIP tickets, the system uses the 'Receive Ticket' flag (Set under Setup->Contact types) to determine which Contact Type and therefore which email addresses to email. If there are multiple emails on a contact type then multiple emails will go out (one per email address). If no contact type exists on an account configured with the 'Receive Tickets' setting then no emails will be sent (the system will not fallback to another contact type in this case).
Scenarios and more detail here: Ticket Overview and Emailing Definitions - Email to Ticket Functionality
Bulk Emailing / Canned Emails
Emails from reports will be sent to the contact type specified on the canned email configuration (specified per canned email) regardless of the settings on contact types on the setup page. If the contact type specified on the canned email does not exist, the system will fall back to emailing the contact type marked as 'Email Contact'.
For information on how to setup bulk emailing / canned emails see the Email Messages – Configuration and Bulk Emailing article.
Bill Run Delivery Emails
Invoices sent from the invoices page (manually emailed) will be sent to contacts marked as 'billing contact' (regardless of 'Email Contact' configuration on the contact type).
Contact Type Configuration Options
Contact Types can be found in EngageIP under the Setup page -> Accounts and Roles heading.
Email Contact - if specified on a particular contact type the Email Contact will be used as a fallback contact type for bulk emailing if the contact type configured as the recipient on the canned email does not exist on an account
Receive Tickets - if this option is checked the contact will be able to receive emails when tickets are created or updated
Billing Contact - invoices are sent to this contact type (regardless of the contact's 'Email Contact' configuration)
Quick Notes
EngageIP will not email multiple contact types for any single function above, in each case, one contact type is used
Multiple emails will go out if more than one email address is configured on the contact type to which EngageIP is trying to email
Mail Queue and Email Failures
Emails sent that return an error/bounce will have the error detailed in the 'Mail Queue' report. Emails will retry only once per hour to avoiding spamming SMTP servers with retries. If the Event Service is restarted emails will retry immediately, then return to the one hour retry schedule. EngageIP does not throttle outgoing emails so your SMTP server will need to be able to handle the number of emails / invoices that you're sending out per hour/per day. Outgoing email errors may occur due to the following reasons or more:
The SMTP configuration is incorrect
The recipient email address was reported as invalid from the SMTP server
The network connection was dropped from EngageIP to the SMTP server
The SMTP server has rate limits on sending - example 1,000 emails per day and only 50 in a ten minute period. These values change per SMTP service provider and usually can be adjusted if the the service is a 'paid for' service