Info |
Email Templates are configured in Setup / Extensibility / Templates / Email |
Guides in this article:
Email templates are used to notify account contacts and users when system events such as dunning, billing and invoicing activities occur (e.g. an email sent when payment is overdue). Email templates can be configured with variables to provide dynamic data in email messages (e.g. a contact's name, account id, account balance, etc.).
Locales need to be setup under the Owner Configurationowner configuration screen.
Email Templates Panel
The Email Templates panel on the left of this screen allows you to select existing templates to view and edit on the Edit Email Template panel to the right. Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Icon | Description |
Deletes the email template (if not in use/configured on another entity) | |
Adds a new email template |
Edit Email Template Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected template. From here you can change the email template configuration (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modifiednote: fields with a magenta left border are required).
Email Template Fields:
Name: a unique name for the email template
Active: enables or disables the email template. An inactive template will not be listed when configuring entities that can use the template
Template Type: sets where the template can be used (e.g. an email template set up as type 'Invoice' can be used when sending an invoice to an account billing contact). The available types are:
Customer Portal: these templates are used to communicate with Customer Portal users. For instance, a welcome email that directs the user to configure their password
Dunning: this type of email template is selectable when configuring levels on a dunning rule. Dunning rule emails are sent to billing contacts on accounts based upon the a dunning level/state being reached (e.g. the need to email a billing contact to alert them that payment is overdue and/or that a late fee has been applied)
Event: email templates of this type are used to email users about system events. When selecting this option an additional 'Event' field will load letting you select the activity that will cause the email template to be used (e.g. an account status change)
Forgot Password: this email template is used when the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link is clicked on login page to the LogiSense Billing AdminPortal
Invoice: this type is selectable on the invoice delivery screen the invoice delivery screen when the 'Default Account Delivery Type' setting on that screen is set to 'Email'. The email template selected on the invoice delivery will determine the email message contents when an invoice attachment is sent to an account's billing contactEvent
Report Notification: email templates of this type that are used when sending emails to email users about system events. When selecting this option an additional 'Event' field will load letting you select the activity that will cause the email template to be used (e.g. an account status change)a scheduled report being generated (i.e. a report generated notice email). These templates are selected on the Setup / Extensibility / Reports screen when configuring a report schedule
Reset Password: this type is used when a password reset is triggered in the AdminPortal for an AdminPortal user. The Send Reset Password Email option is found on the Users screen
Description: an optional description which can summarize what the email template contains and/or why it is sent
Locale: determines the currency symbol rendered in the email body when variables showing amount values are used in the body
Subject: the text that appears in the subject line of the email
From Name: the name that appears in the from field of the email
From Address: the email address that appears in the from email address field of the email
Body tab
The content of the email message. You can format the content as needed (font size, font color, font formatting, text alignment) and insert variables here to present account or system information in the email. For instance: Hello {portalUser.firstName} {portalUser.lastName}, would display the particular portal user’s first and last name as determined by the user configuration on the Customer Portal tab in the account settings screen.
Info |
Note: Based upon the template type chosen only certain variables will be available |
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References tab
This section displays where the selected email template is in use. By default the reference data is displayed in a summary format, however the Entity drop down field can be used to view the exact entities that the template is configured on.
Adding Email Templates
Under the Email Templates heading on the left click the
Under the Add Email Template heading on the right specify the template details (see the Email Templates Panel section above for descriptions of the available fields and options)
Under the Body tab populate the message body with the desired text. Select from the Variables list to include variables in the message (for instance, {account.balance} )
If you wish to add branding you can simply copy and paste an image into the Body of the message (e.g. a logo from your corporate website)
Click Save
Editing Email Templates
Under the Email Templates heading on the left click the template you wish to edit
Under the Edit Email Template heading on the right modify the template details (see the Email Templates Panel section above for descriptions of the available fields and options)
Click Save when you have finished making changes
Deleting Email Templates
Info |
Note: Email templates that are in use cannot be deleted. In order to delete an email template that is in use, first check the References tab to determine which entities are configured to use the template you wish to delete and change the entity to use another email template. |
Under the Email Templates heading on the left select the email template you wish to delete
Under the same Email Templates heading click the
On the confirmation dialog that appears select Yes