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This article explains how to use the EngageIP search tool found on the left sidebar of the EngageIP interface.

The search tool will return results for the following data structures

  • Account Name

  • Contacts and contact points

  • Tickets (if checked) (Title, Body)

  • Extended Attributes

  • User Packages (profile answers)

  • Profile questions

Basic Searches

You can simply type in any word or combination of words and the system will execute a fuzzy logic search for those words based on best match.

Checking off theĀ Include Tickets checkbox will also search tickets for your search terms.

Advanced Searching Using Search Operators

To further refine searches, you can prepend your query with specific search operators in order to define your search context. The available operators are listed below.


The pound operatorĀ tells the system to search based on ticket number. Example: entering '#105' would search specifically for ticket number 105


The dollar operator searches based on invoice ID. Example: entering '$2011' would search specifically for invoice number 2011


The equals operator tells the system to find the exact match. Example: entering '=Bob Smith' would search for an exact match for an account with a name of 'Bob Smith'


The percentage operator can be used for names where you may not know the complete spelling of the name, for example: Bob O'Neil . If you're searching for Bob O'Neil but that was added into EngageIP as Bob ONeal (without the apostrophe) you could return all "Bob's" in the system where the last four letters of their last name is 'neal' by entering 'Bob %neal' in the search box. Percentage in this case will look for any matches on 'neal' and return the best matches found. Similarly a search for '%am' might return Sam, Pam, Cam

New in EngageIP


The exclamation operator performs a search for an exact AccountID. For example searching for !100256 will load the Overview page for the account which has an AccountID of 100256


The at operator searches for Contact's by querying Contact's First Name, Last Name and Company fields. For example searching for @robert will load a list of results if any of the three contact fields contains the text 'robert'. If only one Contact is found you will be directed to the Overview page for the Account which contains the Contact

See Also

  • No labels