Migrating EngageIP Databases to a New SQL Server
The following information outlines the steps required to move the EngageIP database to another physical server along with any Telecom setup items and software that need to be moved.
Prep can be completed before any downtime is incurred. The final move of the databases will require a minimum of one hour scheduled down time.
SQL Specific Setup
Ensure there is a user called BOSS or that the SA user is created and working and that the user is mapped to the databases correctly and owner of them (reference original SQL server for specifics here)
Ensure that SQL is setup for Mixed Authentication mode
SQL is setup to allow remote TCP/IP connections
Ensure that the surface area configuration options are checked for OLE Automation and XP Command Shell (required for executing stored procedures)
To test this setup, create an ODBC connection to the database using the connection username credentials. If that connects correctly, EngageIP will be able to connect
SQL Server Preparation
If rating and usage importer are configured on the SQL server move:
Hawki registry
Contains boss connection info
Import directory
EngageIP Billing folder which includes import directories
Make shortcuts for rating engine on desktop
Move rater and importer EXEs if they exist in a different location then the EngageIP Billing Folder (i.e. c:\Program Files\EngageIP)
Migrate scripts folder on desktop (if custom ones exist)
Final Database Move
When ready to move the database, minimum one hour down time is required to provide time to update connection strings if necessary, transfer the latest db files, and start up the services.
SQL Server Configuration
Move .mdf / .ldf files
Databases to be moved include: BOSS, BossCollector, Bossrate, EngageIP Master
Update encrypted connection strings on webserver
If the IP is not going to change and the connection strings use the IP directly, we can just leave the strings in place and when the IP is switch over, it will connect. If not, we need to create the connection strings and have them ready for the switch when the databases are moved over
WebServer Configuration
Update Encrypted connection strings in the following locations:
Web.Config under EngageIP/AdminPortal
Web.Config under EngageIP/AdminPortal/Rating/VoIP
Registry Hive
Items to check if SQL IP has changed:
(All below but not limited to listed items)
Custom report connection strings
CDR Rating exes, Importers etc.
RADIUS connection via ODBC or flat file config
Server entries on setup page for Mail, Radius etc
EngageIP Connection strings in: Registry / Web.config / customerportal (if used)