Ticket Tasks

Ticket Tasks


Ticket tasks allow you to create tickets underneath a parent ticket in order to allow tracking and ensure completion of related tickets before the main ticket can be closed.

Ticket tasks are useful for service turn-up activities, e.g. a 'Service Activation' ticket cannot be closed until the sub tasks 'Provision', 'Schedule Installation', 'Installation' and 'Activate & Bill' have been completed. They can also be used for tracking campaigns or outages, for instance a parent 'Network Outage' ticket could have many sub tasks that track individual subscribers affected by the outage. The parent outage ticket would remain open until all listed sub tasks are confirmed to be resolved.

Adding Ticket Tasks

  1. Click on the ticket that will be the parent ticket

  2. Scroll down to the Ticket Tasks list (under ticket transactions)

  3. Click Add button

    1. Add the new ticket as normal

    2. Click Save

  4. The sub ticket just created will show beneath the parent ticket. You will not be able to close the parent ticket until all ticket tasks are completed