Invoice Configuration
Invoice Configuration Process
Accessing the Invoice Configuration page
Click on Setup
Under the Configuration heading click on Invoice Configuration
Once selected you will see a standard 'Default' option already available
Adding a New Invoice Configuration
Load the Invoice Configuration screen (see steps above)
Click the Add button on the right hand side of the window
The page shown below will appear allowing you to fully customize the Invoice Configuration to suit your needs. Click Save when you are finished filling it out.
Note: If you require different Invoice Templates, it is recommended that you go to Setup -> Configuration -> Invoice Templates prior to filling out the invoice configuration details. To get more information on how to create an Invoice Template, please visit Invoice Template Sample Code.
Note: as of EngageIP multiple email accounts are now supported allowing you to specify which address to send an invoice from in the Owner Email Settings drop down field (shown in the image below). If this field is left blank the "Default" email settings will be used. For information on setting up multiple email settings or defining the default email settings see the Email Settings Configuration guide.
Default Delivery Type – you can later change this setting at the account level. The value selected at the Bill Group level represents the default when it is assigned to an account. (e.g. Hardcopy, Email, None etc.)
Export - if checked the output of the bill run for this group will be exported to the directory specified in the Export Path field
Export Path - If you would like to export the output of a bill run for this group, enter the path to the directory in this field
Invoice Email Attachment Options - this defines how you would like to attach the invoice, i.e. attached as a PDF or an HTML file (separate from how the body of the email is presented). The 'No charge invoice delivery type' determines whether EngageIP should deliver a zero dollar invoice. In some cases zero dollar invoices are valid if usage exists or you may not want to deliver it at all if the amount owed is $0
Associating the Invoice with a Bill Group
Once you have completed the setup of the Invoice Configuration the next step is to associate the configuration with a Bill Group.
Accessing the Bill Groups Page
Click on Setup
Under the Accounting heading click on Bill Groups
The Bill Groups page will load
From here you will see that a Default Bill Group already exists but you can have multiple Bill Groups. See below for instructions adding Bill Groups.
Adding a New Bill Group
Load the Bill Groups page (see steps above)
Click the Add button on the right hand side of the window
The page shown below will appear allowing you to define a new Bill Group, including which Invoice Configuration you wish to associate it with
Click Save when you are finished filling it out.
To get more information on how to create a Bill Group, please see the Bill Group Configuration article.
Required Billing Contact Configuration
To ensure there is always a proper address to send the invoice to, you must complete the following steps
Click on Setup
Under the heading Accounts and Roles click on Contact Types
Click on Billing Contact
Under the heading Contact Point Types click on Email Address
Check Required and Show To Add Account
Snapshot Invoices
Module Required
The functionality described below requires that you have the Snapshot Invoices module enabled in the EngageIP AdminPortal, if the module is not active the options detailed in this section below will not be present in your EngageIP installation. Contact your LogiSense account representative if you wish to discuss adding this module to your installation.
Snapshot Invoice Overview
Snapshot Invoices provide a 'preview' of a customer invoice in advance of the invoice being sent in order to reduce the chance of bill shock. The goal being to reduce operational expenditures (fewer complaint calls, increased time to resolution on complaint calls and resolution of disputes prior to invoice generation).
Snapshot Invoices can be used in many ways:
Configured with Bill Groups so that various Snapshot Invoices can be sent to different classes of users
Configured on individual accounts
Emailed and viewed on demand by an agent accessing a customer's account
Emailed and viewed by the customer themselves through a customer self-service portal (API driven method)
Snapshot Invoices can be setup to use their own invoice templates, meaning they can be configured to contain or omit information that is or is not present on the regular invoice customers receive (for example Snapshot Invoices could be simplified to omit call logs or other usage data).
Snapshot Invoice Requirements
System Requirements
The EngageIP Billing Service must be running on the server
The EngageIP Job Service must be running on the server
The EngageIP Event Service must be running on the server (in order to send Invoices via email)
EngageIP Requirements
The Snapshot Invoices module must be enabled
Email Settings (SMTP) must be configured so that Snapshot Invoices can be sent. See the KB article Email Settings Configuration for setup instructions
In order to receive Snapshot Invoices by email, accounts must have a Billing Contact setup with an Email Contact Point. See the Required Billing Contact Configuration section above in this article for setup instructions
Snapshot Configuration
Invoice and Template Configuration
Load the Setup page and click on Invoice Templates
Create a new Invoice Template by clicking on the Add button
Design your invoice template or copy over the template from another existing invoice (if you don't want the Snapshot template to deviate from the Invoice sent when payment is due). For details on customizing your Snapshot Invoice see the article: Invoice Template Sample Code
When your Snapshot template is configured Save it
Load the Invoice Configuration page on the Setup page
Create a new Invoice by clicking Add
Specify your newly created Snapshot template in Snapshot Invoice Template field
Snapshot Invoice Template - defines the invoice template that will be used when sending a Snapshot Invoice to the customer
Invoice Template - defines the invoice template that will be used when the regular invoice is sent to the customer
Populate the remainder of the fields as desired (Email Delivery Type, Email Subject, etc.)
Save the Invoice
Snapshot Invoice Advanced Delivery Scheduling
Load the Invoice Configuration page on the Setup page
Load the Snapshot Invoice edit page by clicking on the invoice Name
At the bottom of the page under Snapshot Invoice Policy Configuration click Add (note this section will not be present unless the 'Snapshot Invoice Template' field has been populated and saved)
Define the Name and Advanced Delivery Schedule values (for example '15 days' & '15D' if you want the Snapshot sent 15 days in advance of the normal Invoice)
Click Save or Save/New if you want to add another scheduled Advanced Delivery date (i.e. send a snapshot 15 days in advance and also 5 days in advance of the regular invoice delivery date)
Bill Group Level Snapshot Configuration
Snapshot Invoices can be sent based on Bill Group configuration ensuring only the collection of users you desire get Snapshot Invoices using the Advanced Delivery Schedule you defined. Simply modify existing Bill Groups and set the 'Invoice Configuration' field to use the Snapshot Invoices that you have configured. Information on adding and configuring Bill Groups can be found above in the section Associating the Invoice with a Bill Group
Snapshot Invoices will be sent out at midnight (00:00:00) when the 'Advanced Delivery' date is met. Regular invoices will continue be sent based on your Bill Group configuration settings.
User/Account Level Snapshot Configuration
Setting the Snapshot Invoice Configuration
You can set a particular user to receive Snapshot Invoices by loading the user account, clicking on the Tools page and then Snapshot Invoice Configuration. If you set the Snapshot Invoice configuration at the account level it will override the Snapshot Invoice configuration set at the Bill Group level for the user in question.
Emailing and Viewing Snapshot Invoices on Demand
You can render and email a Snapshot to a user by clicking on the Tools page and then Snapshot Invoice - Email Snapshot Invoice. Once the snapshot has been rendered you can view it by clicking on the Snapshot Invoice - View Latest Snapshot (also on the Tools page).
In order for the email & view features to be present and functional the following is required:
The Snapshot Role permissions must be added for the agent performing the view/send
An open invoice and unbilled package must be present on the account
The view/send Snapshot Invoice action must be executed prior to the invoicing date/invoice closure (you cannot send a Snapshot Invoice on the accounts actual Invoice Date)
The Snapshot Invoice must be rendered prior to using the 'Snapshot Invoice - View Latest Snapshot' option