Bulk Updating User-Package Next Bill Dates on Sub-Accounts


This article explains how to bulk update multiple next bill dates on sub-accounts in one step from the parent accounts tools page. The process is detailed below.


  1. Go to the parent account where you need to update multiple next bill dates

  2. Click Tools

  3. Under Tools and Utilities click Next Billing Date Control

  4. Filter the list to return just the set of next bill dates you need to edit.  If you are unfamiliar with filtering reports see the Reports – Filtering and Sorting Techniques article

  5. Click one of the row items via the link under the package name

  6. Edit the Next Bill Date as desired

  7. Click the Bulk Save button

  8. A confirmation box will appear to confirm, click OK

To confirm, go to one or two sub accounts to check that the next bill date was updated or refresh the account services report.