Configuring Invoice Numbering


This article details invoice numbering configuration options. This configuration works for both invoice numbering and Credit Note numbering.

Warning: If you have branded owners, please ensure the prefix is UNIQUE across the branded owners otherwise naming conflicts will occur!


  1. Load the Setup page

  2. Under the heading Invoicing click on Invoice Numbers

    • Specify the Prefix to appear before your numbering scheme

    • Specify the Number Size determines how many characters are present in the invoice number that follows the Prefix

    • Specify the Next Number or starting number the system should use when generating invoice numbers

  3. Click Save


Below is an image of an example 'Invoice Number' configuration.

Above the MyCompany invoice name is the example of the invoice number configuration working. The next invoice generated will be 'MyCompany1235' and so on until 'MyCompany9999'. If you get beyond this number the system will fall back to showing only the invoice ID in the image (represented by the 266). You can increase the Number Size in the Invoice Numbers configuration to address the issue of exhausting the last available number in the range.

Number Size Presentation

If the Number Size is larger than the number of digits in the next number, the system prepends zeros to take the places:
