Realex Credit Card Processor Configuration


This article outlines the configuration options when using Realex as your Credit Card Processor in EngageIP Billing.

Note: The Realex Payment gateway is currently not integrated with the standard EngageIP Ibiz integration (Ibiz supports 30+ different processors but does not support Realex).

Card Processor Configuration

Note: For Mastercards to work, the Card type (in CardTypeType table) needs to be 'MC', not 'Mastercard'. The common error shown for this is: Transaction not submitted: Invalid credit card type specified.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Ensure you have the dll called 'RealAuth.dll' in the Adminportal/bin folder and other service folders (cardprocessor.dll has the logic included beyond this dll for realex)

  2. Load the Setup Tab and click on Card Processors

  3. Click Add

    1. Enter a Name for this processor (enter anything you want, this is just an identifier)

    2. In the Card Gateway list select  'RealexPayment'

    3. Enter your Merchant Login = MerchantID

    4. Enter the Merchant Password = Rebate password

    5. Enter the Attribute = Realex Merchant Account

    6. Enter the Configuration = Realex secret

      • Note: as of EngageIP the ability to change the currency (default EUR) has been added. Simply add the currency you wish to use in the Configuration line (e.g. Currency=USD,MerchantSecret=secret)

  4. Click Save

Testing the Configuration

To test, attempt to process a credit card, then review the following reports for errors:

  • Payment Decline

  • EngageIP Event Log