Configuring Languages
The purpose of the language list is to allow you to either translate the existing values in your EngageIP installation to another language or simply to allow you to adjust the naming so it suits your company's internal lexicon better. See the list at the bottom for a basic list of words in a freshly installed system.
Allowing Logged in Users to View Different Languages
Go to the Setup page
Under the heading Regional Settings click Languages
Click Add to create a new language (for example French)
Click Save
Click on the name of the new language to edit it
Initially you likely want to import a list of translations via XML (see the file attached at bottom of this article that can be used as a template for the list of translations):
Open the XML template file in MS Excel
Enter the equivalent word or phrase in the Value column
Enter Owner, usually 'admin' or the top level owner name
Save As 'xml data' type
Load the Setup page and under the Configuration heading click Import
Enter the XML Data directly or by File and click Save
Once complete, go to the admin user who needs to use a different language when logged in
On the users Overview page click Language or click on Tools and Edit Account Name to change the language
Click Save when the language has been switched
Have that user log out and log back in to see the new translated interface
To Add individual translations going forward you can:
Go to the Setup page
Under the heading Regional Settings click Languages
Click on the Name of the language you wish to edit
Click Add under the Translations heading
Under Name enter the word in EngageIP you wish to translate
Under Value enter the translation
Click Save or Save/New to save the translation and add another translation
Editing / Disabling a Translation
Go to the Setup page
Under the heading Regional Settings click Languages
Click on the Name of the language you wish to edit
Under the Translations section locate the Translation you wish to modify or disable
Click on the text of the translation in the Value column
You will now be able to edit the value. Clear out the translation if you wish it to be disabled
Template File
Click on the Translate.xml file below to download the template file / list of words for translation.