Account Invoices are viewed in Account / Billing / Invoices
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The Invoices screen provides details on account invoices that have been generated to date. From here you can view the transactions and taxes related to each invoice, view invoices as pdfs, void invoices and more.
Below in this article you will find an overview of all panels, tabs and fields on the invoices screen. Guides walking you through actions you can perform on this screen are also available on this page.
Invoice Statuses
The status of an invoice changes throughout the billing process to track its progress during the bill run. Below is the list of invoice statuses in the order they will occur in.
Open: set when the invoice is first created
Pending Tax: set once Invoice Items have been attached to the Open invoice
Tax In Progress: set after the invoice has been taxed and invoice item tax entries have been created. At this stage taxes have not been committed to the external tax vendor (if the system is integrated with an external vendor)
Taxed: set after taxes have been committed to an external tax vendor
Posted: the invoice and tax summaries have been set
Render Pending: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered
Render In Progress: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered
Render Failed: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered and it failed to re-render
Rendered: the invoice has been rendered along with all of the invoice report attachments
Delivered: the invoice has been delivered
Void Pending: a request has been issued to void the invoice
Void In Progress: the invoice is in the process of being voided
Void: the invoice has been voided. The ‘voiding’ invoice will start in Posted status
The Invoices Panel
The Invoices panel on the left of this screen allows you to select an invoice and modify it using actions or by changing fields in the Edit Invoice Panel. The actions available are shown as icons on the left above the Filter invoice text box.
Icon | Description |
Delivers (emails) the selected invoice to the account's billing contact. If invoices are configured to be delivered offline then this feature will simply set the invoice to the Delivered status | |
Re-Renders the selected Invoice provided it has not yet been delivered. This feature can be used in the event that invoice template changes have been made | |
Allows you to view a rendered invoice in a new tab/window | |
Voids the selected invoice and generates reversed transactions. See the voiding an invoice section below for more information |
Invoices List
The Invoices listing shows the invoices generated on the account and summary level details (invoice state, invoice number, dates, total, etc.).
Select an invoice in order to view or edit its details (displayed on the Edit Invoice Panel to the right).
The Edit Invoice Panel
The information in this panel relates to the selected invoice. From here you can change the Invoice Date and invoice Due date if desired. The Transaction, Taxes and History tabs allow you to review various details for the selected invoice. These tabs are explained below.
Transactions Tab
This tab displays transaction details that have been applied to the selected invoice. A sum of the taxes applied per transaction is shown on this tab. You can view each individual tax and tax amount applied to a transaction by clicking on the icon next to the tax amount.
Clicking on any transaction in the list will navigate you to that particular transaction on the Transactions screen.
Taxes Tab
This tab will display all taxes that were applied to transactions on the invoice. Each tax applied will note its tax code, tax rate and the total tax amount charged for the particular tax minus tax credits.
An Amount Reportable value will also be listed here which will only be populated if the Tax Code used to apply taxes was configured with the ‘Only Report Tax’ setting enabled. In such a case the Tax Amount will be set as 0 and Amount Reportable value will display the calculated tax amount.
History Tab
This tab displays invoice activity such as when the invoice was created, taxed, rendered, delivered or voided. The date of these activities may differ depending on how bill runs are configured. Invoices are created when a bill run is executed with the ‘Run Invoices’ option enabled (when this option is set account transactions will be stamped with an invoice name/number). Invoice rendering occurs when a bill run with the ‘Render Invoices’ option enabled is run, resulting in the invoice being generated on the account and viewable as a pdf. Delivery occurs when a bill run executes which has been configured with the ‘Deliver Invoices’ setting enabled.
Re-Rendering an Invoice
Select the invoice in the list on the left under the Invoices heading
Under the Invoices heading click the
If the invoice has reports attached to it and the report data needs to be updated leave the Generate new versions of attached reports setting enabled
On the confirmation dialog click Yes to confirm that the selected invoice should be re-rendered
The invoice will go through the re-render process (Render Pending, Render In Progress). Once these processes are finished a pop-up message will appear informing you that the re-render has been completed.
Voiding an Invoice
Note: only the latest invoice on an account can be voided. Executing a void will cause the system to:
create reversed transactions for items on the invoice
detach all disbursements applied to the invoice
rollback account-package next bill dates and last billed dates
create a new invoice with reversed charges on it
update the account balance
Voiding an invoice will not reverse payments.
Select the invoice in the list on the left under the Invoices heading
Under the Invoices heading click the
On the confirmation dialog click Yes to confirm that the selected invoice should be voided
The existing invoice will be changed to ‘Voided’ status and a ‘Voiding’ invoice will be generated containing the charge reversals related to the voided invoice.