Usage Rates are configured in Setup / Usage Rating / Usage Rates / Rates
Guides in this article:
From this screen you can configure rates for all the classes of usage you require (data, sms, airtime, etc.). Rates are organized into rate groups to suit your needs (e.g. international rates, carrier specific rates, rates for a particular group of customers, etc.). There is no limit to the number of rates you can add to a rate group.
Rate groups are added to rate plans which are offered to customers (e.g. the customer's package is configured with the 'Mobile Enterprise Rate Plan').
Classes need to be configured before rates can be setup
Rate groups need to be configured before rates can be setup
If you intend to use the GeoTree for rating then GeoTree locations will also need to be populated (to configure the location where the rate applies)
The Usage Rates Panel
The Usage Rates panel on the left of this screen allows you to select an existing rate so that you can view and edit its details on the Edit Usage Rate Panel to the right. Actions are also available which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Icon | Description |
Deletes the selected rate | |
Adds a new rate |
Rate List
The list of rates on the left of the screen shows rates currently configured in the system. For each rate in the list information is displayed providing details of the rate's configuration.
When you select a rate in the list all of its configuration details will be displayed in the Edit Usage Rate Panel on the right. These details are explained below.
The Edit Usage Rate Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected rate. From here you can modify a rate's configuration (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Group: the rate group that the rate is assigned to
Type: the type of rate. This will be auto-populated based upon the configuration of the rate group that the rate has been assigned to (i.e. Standard, Aggregate, Use for Cost, Pass Through)
Display Name: a unique name for the rate
Class: the usage class of the rate, e.g. (Data, SMS, local, long distance, International, OnNet, etc.)
Rounding: optional field that allows you to set a rounding rule on the rate. E.g. round all calls up to sixty seconds when determining the usage charge even if the call lasts only ten seconds. See the rounding rules screen help for more information
Rate Type: determines how the amount will be rated. Options are:
Rated: a rate determined by value (count/data) or duration (time). For instance, an amount of 0.01 would be one cent, depending on the Base Unit Type and Unit Type values the rate charge may be one cent per second, one cent per message, etc.
Fixed: a set rate. E.g. enter 5 for five dollars/euros/etc. (determined by the rate group currency) and each instance of usage (call, session, message, etc.) will be billed at five dollars
Rated Markup: a count or duration markup added on top of the rate cost. For instance, if a rated markup usage rate is configured with: Amount:'1', Base Unit Type:'Count' and Unit Type:'Messages' then 1.00 ($, €, etc. based on the rate group currency) would be added on top of the rate cost per message to determine the rate charge. See the markup description below for details on how the cost value is looked up
Markup: a percentage markup on the rate based on the cost of the rate. Cost rates are rates which exist in cost rate groups (rate groups that have the 'Use For Cost' setting enabled). A markup rate configured in a rate group must exist in a rate plan which also contains a 'Rate For Cost' rate group. For more information see the rate group screen help
Fixed Markup: a fixed amount added on top of the rate cost
Additional: configures the rate as an additional rate, enabling more than one rate to be applied to specific usage. For instance, if you wanted to charge for both access and usage you would configure two rates and set 'Additional' on one of them. E.g. to charge a fixed amount per call to information services as well as an airtime charge you would configure one 'Information Services' rate to rate by 'Time' and a second 'Information Services' rate to rate by 'Count', with one of the rates set with the 'Additional' option enabled. Additional rates are only applicable if the additional rate has the same class and location as the initial rate applied
Base Unit Type: defines how the rate is calculated. The options are:
Count: indicates this is a count based rate (e.g. per SMS/per usage record/per api call). Used in conjunction with Unit Type
Data: indicates this is a data based rate (e.g. internet, MMS, etc.). Used in conjunction with Unit Type
Time: indicates this is a time based rate (e.g. call/airtime). Used in conjunction with Unit Type
Unit Type: works with the Base Unit Type and Amount to determine the rate. Options are described below:
Count Options: Events, Occurrences, Pages, Messages, Records. Count provides the flexibility to rate a wide range of usage activities. Depending on what value you configure to be counted you can rate virtually any activity, for example: Events (per API call), Occurrence (each time a customer calls a specific phone number), Pages (each page in a fax transmission), Messages (per SMS) or Records (per usage record, e.g. rate an entire call regardless of its length). An example of a count rate configuration would be to charge fifty cents per SMS (Amount:'0.50', Base Unit Type: 'Count' and Unit Type: 'Messages')
Data Options: Bytes up to Exbibytes. To charge two dollars per Megabyte you would set Amount: '2.00', Base Unit Type: 'Data' and Data Type: 'Megabytes'
Time Options: Seconds up to Days. E.g. to setup a rate at ten cents a minute you would set Amount: '0.10', Base Unit Type: 'Time' and Unit Type: 'Minutes'
Amount: the amount billable for the rate. The currency of the rate will be determined by the currency set on the rate group that this rate belongs to. This value works in conjunction with the Base Unit Type and Unit Type fields. E.g. to charge one dollar/euro/etc. per minute for airtime you would set amount: '1.00', Base Unit Type: 'Time' and Unit Type: 'Minutes'. This field will not be displayed on rates configured to be aggregated
Minimum Charge: optional field that sets a minimum amount to be charged for this rate. For example, if you set a Minimum Charge of '1.00' then one dollar would be charged even if the rate was configured to charge at fifty cents per minute and the usage lasted only thirty seconds. This field will not be displayed on rates configured to be aggregated
Location: optional field that lets you specify that the rate is location specific. Selectable locations are pulled from the GeoTree. If the class selected for this rate is not configured to use the GeoTree as its rater then this field will not be displayed
Location Group: optional field that lets you specify that the rate is specific to a location group. If the class selected for this rate is not configured to use the GeoTree as its rater then this field will not be displayed
Tiers tab
This tab is displayed when adding/editing an aggregated (tiered) rate. From here you can configure bracketed or progressive tiers which will adjust the usage rate applied based upon the tier reached.
Adding Rates
Rates are typically imported into the system, however if you need to add a rate in a one-off scenario do the following:
At the top of the Usage Rates panel click the action button
Populate the fields as desired. See the Usage Rates screen help for descriptions of each field
If you are configuring an aggregated (tiered) rate, see the Configuring Tiers on Aggregated Rates guide
Click Save
Configuring Tiers on Aggregated Rates
On the add/edit usage rate panel under the Tiers tab select if the rate should be bracketed or progressive. Bracket pricing means the rate applied is based upon the tier that the total usage count reaches. For example, if tier 3 on a rate is reached at 20 GB of usage and the price per GB is $0.50 in tier 3, then a user who uses 20 GB of data at the end of their billing period would be billed at $0.50 per GB. Progressive pricing means that rates specified on each tier are applied to the usage consumed that falls within each tier. For example, the first 100 minutes of airtime is rated at the tier 1 rate, the next 100 minutes of airtime is rated at the tier 2 rate, and so on until there is no more usage to rate. Progressive tiers require a counting rule to be specified to function
Specify a counting rule if desired/required
Specify the tiers by defining a Start and End value. The final tier end value must be open ended (not set). When the tiers have been defined enter the rate to apply per tier in the Amount Per Unit fields
Click Save to save the tier configuration
Editing Rates
To edit an existing rate in the system do the following:
Select the rate from the list in the Usage Rates panel
In the Edit Usage Rate panel on the right modify the values as needed
Click Save when finished
Deleting Rates
To delete a rate do the following
Select the rate from the list in the Usage Rates panel
Click the action button
Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up that appears