Counting Rules are configured in Setup / Product Catalog / Package / Counting Rules
Counting rules provide a way of counting packages or services on an account in order to apply tiered pricing to service charges based on the total count. The count (number of packages or services) determines the per unit charge for services using a bracketed tiered pricing approach (e.g. reaching one hundred of 'Service X' on an account hits a new tier and grants a volume price discount by charging less for the subscription cost of a particular service).
The entities counted and the service the count applies to do not have to match. For instance, you could count the number of Package A’s on an account and apply that count to discount the price per unit of Service X. Any tiered service within a packages frequency that is setup with a counting rule will have the count applied to its service tiers, the service in question does not have to be configured within a counting rule.
Counting rules configured on this screen specify which packages or services in the product catalog are counted, once the counting rule has been setup it can be configured on a package frequency.
Counting rules can also be configured on rates. This works Just like counting rules set on package frequencies, with the counting rule totaling the number of services or packages on an account in order to determine the price tier. In this case the tier relates to the per unit price for the usage rate that the counting rule is configured on, instead of the per unit price of a service.
For instance, a tiered rate called ‘US1’ could be setup with a counting rule which counts Service A and Service B on an account. The following tiers could be setup on the usage rate to adjust the price based on the Service A and Service B count.
$1/GB if there are 0 to 100 of Service A and B on the account
$0.75/GB if there are 101-500 of Service A and B on the account
$0.60/GB if there are 501+ of Service A and B on the account
Services need to be setup for counting rules that apply to (count) services
Packages need to be setup for counting rules that apply to (count) packages
Counting Rule Panel
The Counting Rule panel towards the left of this screen allows you to select existing counting rules to view and edit on the Edit Counting Rules panel to the right. Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Icon | Description |
Deletes the selected counting rule if not in use | |
Adds a new counting rule |
Edit Counting Rules Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected counting rule. From here you can change rule details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Counting Rule Fields and Options:
Name: a unique and descriptive name for the counting rule
Active: defines if the rule is active (can be configured on packages and rates) or is inactive (will not be listed when configuring counting rules on other screens)
Applies To: defines what can be configured on the counting rule (services or packages). One or the other must be selected, you cannot count both services and packages using a counting rule
Status Pricing: determines if tier sizes are configured per service, or per each individual service status. When selecting ‘Per Status’ you will be able to configure tiers on package frequencies for each service status (e.g. different sized tiers for Service A in pre-active status than Service A in active status). Selecting ‘Across Status’ will configure package frequencies that are using the counting rule to setup tiers on each service, regardless of status (e.g. if the first tier set on the service is 1-10 units, then that tier size is used for all service statuses you are billing). Tiered service pricing (regardless of which option you choose here) can be configured to vary based on the particular service status (e.g. charge $10 per unit when the service is active and $5 per unit when the service is suspended)
Count only if Usage: If enabled the package/service will only be counted if usage related to the package/service has occurred in the billing period
Package(s) Tab
This tab appears when the 'Applies To' field is set to 'Package(s)'. From here you can add and remove the packages which will be counted when the counting rule is attached to a package frequency or usage rate.
Service(s) Tab
This tab appears when the 'Applies To' field is set to 'Service(s)'. From here you can add and remove the services which will be counted when the counting rule is attached to a package frequency or usage rate.
References Tab
The References tab indicates where the counting rule is configured in the system.