Versions Compared


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Change Highlights

Billing Changes and Enhancements:


Billing performance and resiliency improvements

Payment Collection Bill Runs


Payments can now be collected using a bill run without the need to generate an invoice during the bill run


Only accounts setup to Auto-Pay will be applicable to payment collection bill runs

10.4.0 Release Notes

Change Highlights

Billing Changes and Enhancements:

  • Billing performance and resiliency improvements

  • Payment Collection Bill Runs

    • Payments can now be collected using a bill run without the need to generate an invoice during the bill run

    • Only accounts setup to Auto-Pay will be applicable to payment collection bill runs

    • The Bill Run Collection Type of ‘Invoice Balance’ has been changed to ‘Account Balance Due’ to support this feature. Payment collection using this setting will collect the balance of invoices which have a due date less than or equal to the current date

    • If the payment collection Bill Run Collection Type is set to ‘Account Balance’ then the full balance of the account is collected as a payment, regardless of the due dates set on the invoices on the account

  • Bill Runs Trigger Re-rating

    • Modified Bill Runs to initiate re-rating for accounts that require it to ensure re-rating is performed immediately and does not delay account billing


  • Multiple Overlapping Account Share Plans

    • Accounts can now have multiple share plans which can have overlap between contributing and participating services

    • Contributions are added to all share plans based on each share plan's contribution amount for the given service

    • Usage for participating services will still be consumed according to the bucket type (recurring, rollover, non-recurring) and then will be consumed from a share plan using a new Tie-Break Order setting on the Account Share Plan screen. This new setting will allow you to control which share plan usage will be deducted from if more than one plan exists on an account

  • Data Unit Consistency and Control Enhancements

    • Added a “Convert Data to Binary” option on the Share Plans and Usage Buckets screen. When this setting is disabled a data bucket's tier units will be configurable in decimal units (kilobytes, megabytes, etc.). When this setting is enabled a data bucket's tier units will be configurable as binary units (kibibytes, mebibytes, etc.)

    • Modified data usage bucket units on multiple screens to observe the bucket unit configured at the catalog level or at the share plan level

    • Modified Share Plan data allowances to be displayed using the unit type configured on the bucket, instead of presenting allowances in MB or GB values

  • Contribution Proration Changes

    • Contributing amounts in share plans are will no longer be prorated based upon the effective date or cancellation date of the contributing service. Proration will now be determined using the start/end dates of the share plan bucket

  • Billing Activation Package Support

    • Modified share plans to allow billing activation packages to participate in the share plan. Billing activation packages will not contribute or participate in the share plan until billing activation has occurred


  • Rating performance improvements

  • Error handing and validation improvements

  • Improved performance loading the Account / Billing / Transactions screen to address long load times and duplicate transactions being submitted which can occur in some scenarios

  • File importer service resiliency and logging improvements

  • Fixed an issue that caused the tops of modals in the AdminPortal to be cut off by the title bar in some screen resolutions

  • Fixed an issue where searching for a usage identifier would show results even when a match was not found

  • Fixed an issue where identical recurring credits were not being calculated when determining an account's invoice balance

  • Fixed an issue where the account balance and account balance due values could be incorrect due to the inclusion of tax on recurring credits

  • Fixed an "InvoiceAmount must not have more than '2' decimal places" error that occurred when attempting to disburse a credit less then $1.00 in the AdminPortal

  • Fixed issues with package discounts which could cause incorrect discounts to be calculated in the first billing period for packages configured with the Charge Full Period option

  • Fixed an issue where voiding an invoice could cause an incorrect account-package next bill date to be set in several scenarios when a package was configured with the 'Charge Full Period' option

  • Fixed an issue where the proper catalog price for tiered non-recurring service charges was not displayed on the Account Packages screen / Services tab / One Time tab

  • Fixed an issue where a post paid account-package's Next Bill date could be set earlier than the account-package's Effective Date in scenarios where the package was configured with a future effective date and was added to the account using a sales order with the 'Bill Now' option set

  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to complete a sales order that contained an account-package with a billing activation service

  • Fixed a price plan issue where a price plan configured with the Tier Type 'Across Status' would not display the 'Edit Usage Rates' icon on the Price Overrides tab

  • Modified share plans to cancel share plan add-ons when an account share plan is cancelled

  • Fixed an issue where accounts could not be cancelled if they contained a share plan associated with a package containing a selling service

  • Modified bill runs to execute in the order determined by the BillRunScheduleID instead of the BillRunID

  • Added the ability to use reports with custom data sources as invoice report attachments. The report will only be usable if it is active, its custom data source can be filtered by AccountId and InvoiceId and the data source does not contain a parameter

  • Modified report generation UI to show progress at five minute intervals or when data collection is complete instead of showing a total count value in order to improve report generation performance

  • Fixed an issue where newly created roles could not be granted permissions to view the Reports screen

  • Corrected issues with narrow column widths on the Service Sales report

  • Fixed a bucket caching issue that could result in usage failing to be applied to a bucket in some scenarios

  • Fixed an issue where adding a filter would fail on the Mediation / Data Import History screen returning an Unexpected API Error message

  • Fixed an issue with filters on the Mediation / Data Import History screen that prevented them from filtering data

  • Modified rating service to trim whitespace from usage identifiers, originating identifiers and terminating identifiers in order to resolve usage exceptions that occur when whitespace is included with these values

  • Fixed an issue where a 'rate not found: unable to find or apply rate for the record' exception would occur instead of a the exception 'udr terminating identifier not in Geo Tree' when a rate configured to use the Geo Tree with a UsageClassID of '1' was rated and no terminating pattern was found in the GeoTree

  • Fixed an a data profile loading issue that could cause the load progress to get stuck at 99% complete

  • Modified the usage Rating Exceptions screen to prevent the Reprocess button from being clicked until the list of exceptions are fully loaded

  • Modified taxation logic to reload the tax cache on every bill run to ensure the most current tax rates are used

  • Fixed an issue looking up Tax Jurisdiction Codes in AvaTax integrated environments which occurred when addresses containing special characters were submitted to Avalara (e.g. #, -)

  • Fixed an issue in AvaTax integrated environments where taxes on manually issued credits were not committed to Avalara and therefore did not appear in Avalara reports

  • Fixed an issue where making payments from an account in the AdminPortal would fail if more than 20 payment gateways were configured in the system

  • Added a Webhook Monitor screen under the Operations menu to allow the webhook data that has been generated by the system to be viewed. A retry option is available on this screen which allows a webhook to be resent if it exists in a failed status


  • Deprecated APIs:

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule (Get)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule/Paged (Get)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule/Paged/Detail (Get)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule/{id} (Get)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule/{id}/Detail (Get)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule (Post, Put, Patch, Delete)

    • v5/Payment/RetryRule/{id} (Post, Put, Patch, Delete)

    • v5/RetryRule (Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete)

    • v5/RetryRule/{id} (Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete)

    • v5/RetryRule/Paged (Get)

  • Updated APIs:

    • v6/AccountsReceivable/Terms (Get, Post, Put): Removed PaymentRetryRuleId { get; set; }, PaymentRetryRuleName { get; set; }

    • v6/Account/Package (Get, Post, Put, Patch): The API will set the BillingActivationType automatically. Added BillingActivationTypeId { get; set; }, BillingActivationTypeName { get; set; }

    • v6/Account/SharePlan/Paged/Detail (Get): Added BillingActivationTypeId { get; set; }, BillingActivationTypeName { get; set; }

    • v6/Account/SharePlan/Paged/<Id>/Detail (Get): Added BillingActivationTypeId { get; set; }, BillingActivationTypeName { get; set; }

    • v6/Usage/Bucket/Base/Paged/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Usage/Bucket/Base/{id}/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Usage/Bucket/SharePlan/Paged/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Usage/Bucket/SharePlan/{id}/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Account/SharePlan/Paged/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Account/SharePlan/{id}/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Account/Service/Usage/Bucket/Paged/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Account/Service/Usage/Bucket/{id}/Detail (Get): On a Details request, IsBytesInBinaryUnit will be present if it is relevant to the SharePlan or UsageBucket. This is primarily a field to support the AdminPortal UI and indicates whether data units are in binary units (e.g. kibibytes) or non-binary (e.g. kilobytes). Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; }

    • v6/Account/Package/View (Get): Added BillingActivationTypeId { get; set; }

    • v6/Account/Service/View (Get): Added BillingActivationTypeId { get; set; }

    • v6/Account/Contract (Get, Post, Put, Patch): API defaults to ‘Fixed’ charge type. Added ContractCommitmentPenaltyChargeTypeId { get; set; } and ContractCommitmentPenaltyChargeTypeName { get; set; }

    • v6/Contract/Commitment (Get, Post, Put, Patch): API defaults to ‘Fixed’ charge type. Added ContractCommitmentPenaltyChargeTypeId { get; set; } and ContractCommitmentPenaltyChargeTypeName { get; set; }

    • v6/Extension/Attribute (Get): Added CreatedByUserId { get; set; }, CreatedByUserName { get; set; } and Created { get; set; }

    • v6/Credit/Note/Download (Get): Added AccountId { get; set; } and AccountName { get; set; }

    • v6/ReportDefinition (Get, Post, Put): Added IsPrompt { get; set; }

    • v6/Report (Get, Post, Put, Patch): Added IsPrompt { get; set; }

    • v6/Tax/Vendor (Get, Post, Put): Some sensitive fields are not returned on Get. Added HasCredentialsSet { get; set; }

    • v6/Usage/Unit (Get): Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit { get; set; }

  • New APIs:

    • v6/Contract/Commitment/PenaltyChargeType (Get)

    • v6/DataImport/Usage/<Id> (Post): allows usage records to be posted by API and then transformed, mediated and rated by the system. The feed value specified in the request will determine the data profile to use


    • v6/Usage/Unit (Get): Added IsBytesInBinaryUnit

  • New APIs:

    • v6/Contract/Commitment/PenaltyChargeType (Get)

    • v6/DataImport/Usage/<Id> (Post): allows usage records to be posted by API and then transformed, mediated and rated by the system. The feed value specified in the request will determine the data profile to use

For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on

10.4.1-Hotfix.1 Release Notes

  • Modified the global search in the UI to return 500 results per page instead of 20

  • Fixed an issue where an account-package's Next Bill Date and Billed Through Date were incorrectly set after changing the status of an account-service in the package and voiding the invoice containing the package charges

  • Fixed an issue where incorrect charges were applied when billing a charge full period package when the package contained account-services that had undergone status changes

  • Fixed an issue where the Edit Bucket Details button was missing when configuring tiered bracket pricing on a service in the product catalog

  • Fixed an issue where an invoice could not be voided in some scenarios where an account-service connected to the invoice had usage that had triggered a usage exception

  • Fixed an issue where payment collection during invoicing would fail due to currency conversion executing improperly

  • Fixed an issue on the Bill Run History screen where the Retry Bill Run button would remain disabled when selecting a failed bill run due to the failed bill run being set to an incorrect status

  • Fixed an issue where exception details were not being populated on the Data Import History screen after the first 10,000 exceptions were loaded

  • Fixed an issue on the Data Import screen where the import file contents failed to load in the Edit Exception modal in some scenarios

  • Fixed an issue where taxing credits would fail when attempting to rebill charges after voiding an invoice in AvaTax integrated environments, resulting in an invoice being stuck in an open state

  • Reduced default AvaTax.BatchSize to 1000 to adhere to the maximum value supported by AvaTax

10.4.1-Hotfix.1 API Changes

  • v4,v5,v6/Package/{Id}/Detail (Get): modified API so that it no longer returns price plan details in the response. Price plan data can still be fetched using the Package/Service/{id}/Detail API

  • v3/Package/Paged/Detail (Get): modified to include price plans as part of services detail

  • v3/Package/{id}/Detail (Get): modified to include price plans as part of services detail

10.4.1-Patch.1 Release Notes

  • Improved performance loading package frequency and package-service details in the product catalog

  • Added validation to limit the maximum number of package-services on packages in the product catalog to 200

  • Fixed an issue when configuring package frequencies in the product catalog where the edit bucket details button could be misaligned with the service it related to

  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to save a package in the product catalog if the package contained more than one hundred optional services and one of the services after the first one hundred was switched to a required service (Maximum Instances > 0)

  • Fixed an issue with sales orders that could cause the creation of a new sales order to fail

  • Fixed an issue where a sales order could not be created using a package containing an optional service configured with a maximum instances value of 1 or null

10.4.2 Release Notes

Change Highlights

Product Catalog Enhancements:

  • Package Quantity Feature:

    • Added a 'Allow Quantity' setting on the Options tab of the Packages screen under the product catalog

    • This setting acts as a multiplier for billing so that the number of services in the package can be billed at the quantity specified (e.g. a package with one service and a quantity of ten set will generate one transaction/one invoice line item at ten times the normal service charge amount)

    • This setting can only be enabled on packages configured with non-recurring, non-usage based charges at this time

    • Quantity has been added to the Account Package data source to allow reporting on package quantities

    • Account packages can be imported with a quantity value provided so long as the quantity value is supported for the given package configuration (i.e. the package contains only nrc services that are also non-usage based)

    • Package quantities will be listed in the Customer Portal

Account Enhancements:

  • Transaction and Credit Quantities:

    • Added a 'Quantity' field to the Transactions and Credits screens so that multiple transactions/credits of the same type/amount can be added at once

    • Quantity tokens have been added so that quantity values can be displayed on invoices and credit notes

    • The maximum quantity value that can be set is 10,000

    • Quantity has been added to the Invoice Item data source for reporting purposes

    • Transactions and Credits with a quantity set can only be fully reversed. Partial reversals are not supported when quantity is used

Tax Enhancements:

  • Tax Adjustments:

    • Added a Tax Adjustments button on the Transactions screen which allows zero dollar transactions to be created with a user defined tax amount

    • Positive and negative tax adjustments can be made

    • Tax Adjustments can be viewed on the Transactions tab and reversed

    • Tax adjustment invoice items can be imported into the system

    • Tax adjustments are not submitted to Avalara. The 'Tax Adjustment Reconciliation' report can be used to reconcile taxes with the compliance reports in the Avalara Communications Customer Portal

  • AvaTax Incorporated Configuration:

    • Added an 'Incorporated' option to the Address tab on the Contact screen which is displayed when AvaTax is configured as the tax vendor

    • When this setting is enabled it will indicate to AvaTax that the customer is inside an incorporated city area

    • See the Avalara user manual for more information

Other Enhancements and Fixes

  • Validation improvements

  • Limited usage identifier searches in the account search to a maximum of 500 identifiers at a time

  • Fixed an issue introduced in version 10.4.1 that could result in an account-package with optional services having an incorrect Next Bill Day after voiding an invoice

  • Fixed an issue where voiding an invoice which contained billing activation charges would clear the Billed Through and Usage Billed Through dates on the related account-package when the billing activation bucket was configured with only a time condition

  • Added the ability to configure a default sort column on a custom data source

  • Fixed an issue where one time payment amounts were not reflected on reports using the Payment data source until the payment was attached to an invoice

  • Fixed an issue where configuring a ‘Between’ operator on a report filter along with the 'Prompt User for Value' setting only resulted in the user being prompted for one value when accessing the report

  • Fixed a Countries screen configuration issue where it was not possible to add multiple states that used the American National Standards Code (UM)

  • Fixed an issue where improperly formatted dates would not return a data import exception when passed into a date conversion transform

  • Modified AvaTax integration to limit batch tax requests to 1000 invoices in order to prevent taxation failures during invoicing

  • Fixed an issue where a Service Tax Category configured on a Tax Code could not be cleared

  • Added a 'Add New' button to the Payment Methods page in the Customer Portal so that payment methods can be added to an account without the need to make a payment

10.4.2 API Changes

  • Deprecated APIs:

    • None

  • Updated APIs:

    • v6/Invoice/Item (Get, Post, Put): Added properties Quantity and Price

    • v6/Invoice/Paged/Detail (Get): Added properties Quantity and Price

    • v6/Invoice/Paged/<Id>/Detail (Get): Added properties Quantity and Price

    • v6/Invoice/Item/Credit (Post): Added properties Quantity and Price

    • Added a trackingId for data import batches for tracking purposes. The ID is returned when calling the DataImport/Usage API

    • Fixed an issue where updating an account address using Account/{id} patch would fail if the state code supplied matched an existing state code in another country

  • New APIs:

    • v6/Invoice/Item/TaxAdjustment (Post)

    • v6/Invoice/Item/TaxAdjustment/{id} (Patch)

For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on

10.4.2-Patch.1 Release Notes

10.4.2-Patch.1 API Changes

  • v3/Package/Paged/Detail (Get): modified to include price plans as part of services detail

  • v3/Package/{id}/Detail (Get): modified to include price plans as part of services detail

For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on

10.4.2-Patch.1-Hotfix.1 Release Notes

  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to update price overrides on tiered services in an account-package in some scenarios

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to set an effective cancel date on an account-service would return an "EffectiveCancel' in 'AccountService' must be at least one second past 'Effective'." message, even when the effective cancel date did exceed the effective date by one second

  • Fixed an issue that prevented updates on stock email templates in the AdminPortal

  • Fixed an issue that could cause invoice rendering to stall

  • Fixed an issue when re-rendering an invoice which could cause the invoice to become stuck in a pending state

  • Fixed an issue where share plan creation would fail when a package or service using the plan contained a custom field that was required to be populated

  • Modified bill run schedules to allow schedules to be deleted if they have already executed bill runs

  • Modified the Bill Run History page to display the bill run name or account name based on the bill run type executed, instead of displaying the bill run history name

  • Modified taxation of manually issued credits to use a sub-account's address, if available, for determining taxes instead of using the invoicer's address

  • Fixed an issue in AvaTax integrated environments where the account balance was incorrect after billing and reversing a transaction with a transaction quantity value greater than one

  • Modified AvaTax integration to pass in a domain attribute when tax exemptions are configured in order to adhere to a new AvaTax requirement

  • Fixed a data import issue that could generate repeated exceptions and maximize cpu utilization

  • Fixed an issue that could cause heavy database usage when data archiving operations were running

10.4.2-Patch.1-Hotfix.1 API Changes

  • (all versions)/Account/{id} (Patch): fixed an issue where the countryCode was being ignored when updating a stateCode with a countryCode and an update filter of countryId, resulting in a 'Value cannot be null' response and failure to update an address

  • v6/Invoice/{id}/Detail (Get): extended the list of report attachments to include the report storage identifier

  • v6/Invoice/{id}/Detail (Get): modified api response to return reportAttachments details when an invoice is in a rendered state and include start and complete values. Previously reportAttachments details were only returned when the invoice was in delivered status

For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on

10.4.2-Patch.1-Hotfix.2 Release Notes

  • Validation improvements

  • Improved performance when deleting share plans

  • Fixed an issue where prices were not being displayed when editing account-packages

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to cancel a share plan package by API would fail if previously cancelled share plan add-ons existed

  • Fixed an issue where the save button would remain disabled after making changes to an account share plan

  • Modified non recurring charges to inherit the effective date of the account-service the charge relates to when the nrc is first billed and period start and end dates are set

  • Modified the Taxes tab on the Transaction screen to display taxes calculated even if the transaction is not yet attached to an invoice

  • Modified validation to permit tax adjustments on zero dollar tax amounts

  • Fixed an issue where the total amount value for non-recurring charges on an invoice was calculated incorrectly in some scenarios

  • Fixed an issue that caused custom report generation failures when decimal type values were used in the report

  • Fixed an issue with Sales Orders which prevented order information from being displayed on the order detail Summary tab

  • Modified the Dunning Rules screen to indicate that the late fee action is configured as a multiplier not a percent value

  • Modified the dunning late fee configuration to no longer round multiplier values to two decimal places

  • Fixed an issue where a Dunning Rule with multiple penalties configured could not be deleted

  • Fixed issues with the scheduler that could cause scheduled events to be missed in some scenarios

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the execution of scheduled rerating during billing when child accounts existed

  • Modified data profile import/upgrade process to remove missing targets when upgrading an older data profile to a newer one

  • Fixed an issue on the Data Profile screen which prevented the deletion of empty layouts

  • Fixed an issue that could cause usage exceptions for usage related to account-packages with backdated effective dates

  • Fixed an issue where usage dated after an account-service's cancelation date could still be rated and billed

  • Fixed an issue where usage file processing could stall if a file of the same name was added to the inbound directory less than a second after the first file arrived

  • Fixed a webhook issue where account information was not returned in the payload when a webhook was triggered by a credit note being rendered

10.4.2-Patch.1-Hotfix.4 Release Notes

  • Rating performance improvements

  • Manual Transactions can now be added with an amount up to 11 digits of decimal precision. Amounts will still be rounded to 2 decimal places on the Invoice

  • Fixed an issue where usage could go unbilled if an account-package was cancelled after the first usage billing period and billing was executed after the cancellation but before the second billing period

  • Modified logic to create an invoice item when any amount of usage is billed regardless of the value (e.g. when the usage is fully bucketed). Previously these usage charges were set as no charge invoice items and excluded from the invoice

  • Fixed an issue where an invoice would fail to generate if an account contained tax reversal transactions and the system was setup to use the local LogiSense tax vendor

  • For customers using AvaTax for Communications, manual transactions recorded against a Service with a Service Tax Category based on Lines can support a quantity of up to 500,000. All other transactions are still limited to a quantity of 10,000

  • Fixed an AvaTax integration issue where incorrect taxes were applied when a credit or negative transaction was added with a quantity value greater than one

  • Modified AvaTax integration to removed the '-' from the list of special characters that are padded by default when making a GeoTree lookup as this was causing an incorrect tax jurisdiction code to be assigned

  • Fixed an issue where rating would fail to find a rate group when rate group conditions existed and those conditions referenced a custom mediation field with a name that began with a lower case character

  • Fixed a mediation issue where in rare cases the mediation process would fail when highly concurrent operations were executing

  • Fixed an issue that could database connections to be become blocked in some scenarios

  • Fixed issues that could cause data loss when archiving data to an S3 bucket

  • File Importer performance and resiliency improvements

10.4.2-Patch.2 Release Notes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the MessageCollector service to fail to collect queued messages until the service was restarted

  • Fixed an issue where usage records marked for deletion would not be deleted in some scenarios

  • Modified AvaTax integration to send the amount value as the total price for all lines (price * quantity) when service tax categories are utilized

  • Fixed an issue where UniquenessIdentifiers were not stored with the correct value when mediated usage data was archived

10.4.2-Patch.3 Release Notes

  • Fixed an issue where transition charges were billed using the ServiceID rather than the Charge_ServiceID