This article covers the functionality and configuration of the Audit Log report. The audit log is a comprehensive event logging tool / report. It can be used to record the smallest change on the account, or any process such as billing events for example. You can record contact name changes, the cancelling of a package, the date and time when a user logs in and changes his or her password etc. The logging is very in-depth and configurable. Care Care should be considered in selecting what actions / processes are critical to your operations for tracking purposes.
Configuring the Audit Log
Click on Load the Setup tab page of the main owner (i.e.: admin)
Under the Configuration heading click Audit Setting
Click on the Object name to load the Object Setting page
Note: An object is data or a process in EngageIP that you want to see any changes to in the system, changes include adding, deleting, updating by any other process in EngageIP whether by a user or something such as the automated billing processesCheck off the User Audit checkbox
Enabling/disabling multiple objects at once - The 'Bulk Save' option on the Audit Setting page will allow you to enable logging for all objects listed on the previous screen. To filter out certain objects use the "View" option, explained here)
Click Save
Note: changes may take up to 2 minutes to take effect
Log out and log back in
Update a field on an account according to the objects you have selected to audit going forward
Review the audit log to see your actions
You can then sort, filter, print, export as normal with any report in EngageIP
Log in as a user with rights to view/edit the Setup tabpage, Audit Setting, Reports tab page and audit log (List & Edit Role permissions need to be enabled for AuditLogOwnerReport & AuditSetting)
Load the Admin account and click on the Setup link
Under the Configuration heading click Audit Setting
Click on the Object heading to filter the list
Enter 'PaymentMethod' in the Filter text box and press enter to filter the Audit Setting list
The UserPaymentMethod object tracks events related to Payment Method (cash, check, credit card) configuration on accounts, by default this object is enabled to Audit (User Audit=yes). If this setting has been disabled then you will need to enable it to track payment method changes (click on the object name 'UserPaymentMethod' and then on the Audit Setting edit page that loads check the 'User Audit' checkbox)