Within these release notes you will find descriptions of new features, enhancements and API changes in the LogiSense Billing application. The content below details changes in major release versions, point release versions and hotfixes. If you have any questions about the information provided below please do not hesitate to contact your LogiSense support representative. Release Notes
Change Highlights
API Updates and Enhancements
v9/Account (Get): fixed an issue that would cause a 'is not a valid name' error when querying a VATNumber Release Notes
Modified the Transactions screen to show unbilled reversal transactions under the Transactions heading
Removed the uniqueness requirement on Account_ExternalIdentifier so that multiple accounts can use the same ID value
Added support for Visadankort and Bijcard card types in Adyen integrated environments
Fixed an issue which prevented a share plan add-on or global add on package from being created in the AdminPortal
Fixed an issue on the Transactions screen that prevented reversals from being deleted on the Reversals tab
Fixed an issue where an incorrect balance due value would be updated on an account after reversing a tax-inclusive, line based transaction with a quantity value greater than 1
Fixed an issue that could cause a database timeout during billing and impact email invoice delivery in rare scenarios
Fixed an issue where billing with the Term option set and processing a large number of invoices could result in incorrect bill run details on the Bill Run History screen
Fixed an issue where an incorrect tax amount was calculated when reversing a transaction with the Tax Inclusive option enabled
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments where disbursement amounts were not properly calculated when refunding a payment
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments where syncing of merchant accounts would fail when a second payment gateway was configured
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments that would cause an error when configuring a gateway if merchant accounts existed with duplicate names
Fixed an issue in AvaTax integrated environments where tax applied was not fully reversed when reversing a manual transaction with a quantity value greater than 1
Caching improvements to ensure old report configuration data is invalidated in multi-server environments
Fixed an issue that could result in incorrect UsagedByAccountServiceUsageRateBillingID values on custom reports
Fixed an issue which limited the precision value displayed on reports to a maximum of 6 decimal places
Modified the Rating Exceptions screen not to show exceptions with a zero count value
Added missing screen permissions for the Rating Exceptions screen
Fixed an issue where an account-service's updated value was not updated in the database after canceling and billing the account-service, resulting in account-service delta changes not being included in the list of cancelled account-service records Release Notes
Rating resiliency improvements
Permissions for Account Search and Account Overview are now inherited. If a user has access to any other Account screens (Profile, Billing, Communication, Settings) they also are granted permission to search for accounts and access the Overview screen
Added the ability to modify the auto-disburse setting on invoiced credits in the AdminPortal
Added the ability to modify the Expire After and Expire After Frequency values of non-recurring buckets on account-services
Expired buckets can have their Expire After value modified in order to make the bucket active again (this will trigger a rerate if the bucket has usage applied to it)
Modified billing logic to calculate using all invoices with negative balances regardless of their due date when making payments. Previously only invoices with a due date on or before the current date were considered
Fixed an issue which could cause incorrect date/time values to be set on account-service status last updated dates
Fixed a billing issue that could cause accounts to be repeatedly queued for payment processing in environments with a large number of accounts (40k+)
Fixed a billing issue where two aggregate invoices with a balance equaling zero dollars could still result in automatic payment collection occurring
Fixed an issue where orders could not be saved if optional custom fields related to account-services were not populated
Fixed an issue where an update failed error would be returned when attempting to edit a draft order
Fixed an issue where multiple clicks were required to be able to select an Effective Date using the calendar feature on the Orders screen
Fixed a permissions issue where left hand side menus could still appear if a user had 'no permissions' set for the menu
Fixed a permissions issue which resulted in an error when attempting to access the custom fields screen
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments where importing payment method data for an existing payment method failed to update credit card expiry dates and payment method identifiers Release Notes
Adjusted the account balance due value to now factor in negative transactions, transaction reversals and pending payments
Modified billing so that when an invoice is created with a negative balance it will immediately apply the balance against all outstanding invoices that contain positive balances (oldest to newest)
Modified billing to no longer create an invoice if only payment activity has occurred on an account
Modified credits so that they can be disbursed to unpaid invoices on invoicer accounts prior to invoicing occurring
Modified logic to disburse undisbursed credits/payments that are configured to auto-disburse to invoices after a credit/payment is deleted from an invoice (e.g. when a payment refund occurs, or a credit is manually deleted/reversed)
Added the ability to modify the auto-disburse setting on invoiced credits in the AdminPortal
Added the ability to tax manual transactions and reversals immediately instead of waiting for invoicing to occur
Fixed an issue where credits would not be disbursed to invoices if invoices were in Delivery Pending status
Fixed an issue where attempting to disburse the full amount of a credit including tax would result in a 'Disburse Amount is not within range' error
Fixed an issue that could cause credits to be recorded with a $0 balance adjustment in rare scenarios
Fixed an issue that could cause invoice balances to be incorrect when calculating payment disbursements in some scenarios
Fixed an issue where changing a payment to disburse automatically when it was previously configured to disburse manually would fail to automatically disburse the payment to an unpaid invoice
Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect currency symbol to be rendered on invoices
Fixed an issue where an account set to deliver multiple invoices using the email & external delivery method would only deliver the last invoice set to be sent
Fixed an issue where creating partial payment refunds could lead to incorrect disbursed invoice balances
Fixed a rounding issue where the account balance and account balance due could differ by one cent in certain scenarios when both prorated recurring charges and prorated recurring credits existed on the same invoice
Fixed a permissions issue where account billing screens on child accounts could display details that only invoicer accounts should show
Fixed a validation issue that could allow duplicate usage identifiers to be created
Modified Adyen integration to update a payment method's expiry date value when the real time account updater indicates that the card has expired
Added support for Adyen chargeback_failed webhook events. When LogiSense Billing receives a chargeback callback from Adyen for a payment in the system, a payment refund will occur, reducing the payment amount
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments where importing payment method data for an existing payment method failed to update credit card expiry dates and payment method identifiers
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments that could cause payment retries for rejected payments to get stuck in a pending state
Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments that could cause duplicate payments or duplicate refunds to occur in certain scenarios when multiple webhooks were setup in the same environment
Fixed an issue where child account data was not being displayed when utilizing hierarchical custom reports to present invoicer and child account data on invoices
Fixed an intermittent caching issue that could cause incorrect values to be returned when looking up custom field values across multiple webservers API Changes
API Updates and Enhancements
v9/Invoice/Item/Charge (Post): added the ability to set ApplyTaxNow
v9/Invoice/Item/ReverseCharge (Post): added the ability to set ApplyTaxNow
v9/PaymentMethod/Import/Sync: Fixed an issue in Adyen integrated environments that could cause a failure when adding a TWINT payment method Release Notes
Modified the AdminPortal to enable the auto-disbursement option by default when creating credits and payments
Fixed an issue when reversing recurring credits that in rare scenarios could cause an incorrect invoice balance and account balance
Modified billing to prevent dunning from executing when an account's balance is zero
Modified payment collection and dunning to factor in negative tax adjustments when calculating the balance due in order to avoid unnecessary collections
Modified billing to attach payments to an invoice if the invoice is created during the same bill run
Fixed an issue that could cause invoice balances to be incorrect when calculating payment disbursements in some scenarios
Fixed an issue where the total payment value displayed on invoices could miss factoring in some payments in certain scenarios
Fixed an issue with tax inclusive charges that could cause a rounding error of one cent on invoice totals
Addressed performance issues that could cause timeouts when voiding invoices in some scenarios
Fixed a billing issue where contract terms were evaluated using a date-time value instead of date which could result in the collection of late fees when they were not applicable
Fixed an issue that could cause a usage billing exception when an account's usage bill day was scheduled to change
Modified Adyen real time account updater integration to update both the card number and card expiry date when receiving card changed and card expired events from Adyen
Modified events to trigger only when an entity is updated and the state of the entity matches the criteria defined in the event filter