Versions Compared


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Summary View (Recurring/One-Time): the Services tab displays the services that are present in the account-package. By default, it will load in the ‘Summary - Recurring’ View Type on the Count tab. This can be changed to ‘Summary - One Time’ to view non-recurring services configured on the account-package. The tabs available while in a summary view are explained below.

  • Count tab: on this tab you will see how many of each service are present in the package and what status the service is in (e.g. 1 Active service, 0 Suspended services). Clicking on the (blue star) icon will reveal the tax configuration if the service (e.g. if it is tax exempt). Clicking on the (blue star) icon will navigate you to the Discounts screen and display details on any discounts that have been configured on the service. Clicking on the service name or the (blue star) icon will reveal additional service details and display the (blue star) icon which will allow you to edit service settings

  • Charges tab: this tab displays the price for each service by status (e.g. you can even charge for a service if it's in a suspended/other non-canceled state). Clicking licking on a service name or the (blue star) icon in this list will load service details and allow you to edit service settings


  • will navigate you to the Discounts screen and display details on any discounts that have been configured on the service. Clicking on the service name or the (blue star) icon will reveal additional service details and display the (blue star) icon which will allow you to edit service settings

Pricing View: selecting the Pricing view in the View Type drop down list will allow you to view and edit pricing as well as apply add, edit or delete temporary service price discounts (by clicking on the (blue star) icon). The tabs available in the pricing view are described below.

  • Recurring tab: this tab shows all services that are billed on a recurring basis and the charges that are applicable when the service is in a particular status. You can edit the recurring prices for account-services in account-packages from this tab, providing the account-package is not in a read-only state (for example, canceled). When editing prices, the catalog price will be listed for any price on this tab that has been adjusted from the price set in the catalog. If you wish to return to using product catalog defined prices simply set the adjusted prices on this tab back to the amount set in the listed catalog amount

  • One Time tab: if any one time charges have been configured for the package they will appear on this tab. One time charges are applied once only when the package is billed (e.g. an installation or license fee)

  • Discount tab: this tab allows you to apply temporary account-service price discounts for a period of time (1 month, until a specific date, etc.). A discount can be set amount or a percentage. If you wish to apply a permanent discount simply change the recurring service price on the Recurring tab

  • Transitions tab: if any transition charges have been configured for the package they will appear on this tab. Transition charges are applicable when the status of an account-service is changed (e.g. a cancelation fee when switching to a canceled status)


  • Bill Day: specifies the day of the month that the package will be billed on. If left empty the package will be billed based on the account account’s bill day

  • Billed Through: the date that the package has been billed up to

  • Usage Billed Through: the date that usage charges related to the package have been billed up to

  • Charge Full Period: if enabled the full package price will be charged even if a full period is not provided (i.e. this setting disables proration when adding or canceling the account-package)

  • Postpaid: if enabled the package will be billed for its prior period when billing occurs. E.g. when a bill run occurs in October the amount owed for September will be charged. If this setting is disabled then billing for the current period will be charged in the current period

  • Charge Recurring Only If Usage: if enabled recurring service charges will only be applied when usage related to a service in the package occurs. Even if usage charges amount to zero the fact that usage occurred will result in recurring charges being applied. Enabling this option will result in the package being set as postpaid. Other non-recurring charges such as transition charges will still apply when this option is set

  • Billing Activation Service: this read-only field will appear if the package is configured for billing activation. Billing activation packages initiate package billing based on usage accrued or time passed (e.g. start billing the package one week after it is added to an account or after 10 megabytes of usage is consumed)

  • Activation: this read-only field will appear if the package is configured for billing activation. This field is automatically populated by the system to indicate the date and time that the package was activated

  • Counting Rule: if a rule is selected here then prices can be adjusted based upon the number of packages or services on an account. See the counting rules help for more informationNew Bill Day: allows you to specify a new bill day for the package. This new value will not take effect until the next billing period. Once the current billing period is over a prorated charge will be applied to align the account-package to its new bill date. If tiered pricing or bucketing are configured on the account-package then the prorated period will be treated as a full period for purposes of determining tier sizes and usage bucket sizes

  • Usage Bill Day: specifies the day of the month that usage charges related to the account-package will be billed on. If left empty the package will be billed based on the account’s usage bill day

  • New Usage Bill Day: allows you to specify a new day to bill usage charges related to the account-package

  • Billed Through: the date that the package has been billed up to

  • Usage Billed Through: the date that usage charges related to the package have been billed up to

  • Charge Full Period: if enabled the full package price will be charged even if a full period is not provided (i.e. this setting disables proration when adding or canceling the account-package)

  • Postpaid: if enabled the package will be billed for its prior period when billing occurs. E.g. when a bill run occurs in October the amount owed for September will be charged. If this setting is disabled then billing for the current period will be charged in the current period

  • Charge Recurring Only If Usage: if enabled recurring service charges will only be applied when usage related to a service in the package occurs. Even if usage charges amount to zero the event that usage occurred will result in recurring charges being applied. Enabling this option will result in the package being set as postpaid. Other non-recurring charges such as transition charges will still apply when this option is set

  • Billing Activation Service: this read-only field will appear if the package is configured for billing activation. Billing activation packages initiate package billing based on usage accrued or time passed (e.g. start billing the package one week after it is added to an account or after 10 megabytes of usage is consumed)

  • Activation: this read-only field will appear if the package is configured for billing activation. This field is automatically populated by the system to indicate the date and time that the package was activated

  • Counting Rule: if a rule is selected here then account-service prices can be adjusted based upon the number of account-packages or account-services on an account. See the counting rules help for more information

  • Account Contract: indicates if an account-contract has been configured on the account-package

  • Package Contract: indicates if a contract specific to the account-package has been configured on the account-package. If a package contract has been added then additional contract fields will be displayed allowing you to adjust the contract settings (e.g. the contract start date and renewal behavior)

Custom Fields tab

This tab will display custom fields if your organization has configured custom fields on account-packages. Custom fields are used to capture additional account-package details relevant to your organization.


  1. In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the (blue star) icon

  2. Under the Account Package heading on the right specify the package configuration (see the edit account package panel section above for details on each field)

  3. If desired click on the Services tab and add/edit/remove services in the package:

    • Adding Services to the Package / Global Add-on Packages:

      1. While in Summary view click the (blue star) icon to the right of the tabs in the Add Account Package panel

      2. If the package is configured to allow global add-ons you can select a global add-on here. Otherwise only optional services will be selectable. Select what you wish to add on

      3. If you are adding a global add-on package then type in the name of the Package, select a Frequency, enter the Service to be added, the Status of the service, the Effective Date of the service and the service Quantity you wish to add

      4. If you are adding an optional service then specify the Service, the Status of the service, the Effective Date of the service and the service Quantity you wish to add. If usage is charged with the service a usage Identifiers option will appear requiring you to enter the identifier that relates to the service being added

      5. Click Add and repeat the steps above if you wish to add additional optional services or add-on packages to the package

    • Editing Services:

      1. While in summary view click on the name of the service or the (blue star) icon to the right of the service.

      2. At the service detail level click on the (blue star) icon to edit the service settings

      3. On the Edit Account Service modal you can modify the usage identifier (if the service is usage based), custom field values on the account-service (if any) and adjust the service status (e.g. suspend/cancel the service). Editing the fields on the top row of the Edit Account Service pop-up will adjust account-service settings immediately. If you wish to adjust account-service settings at a future date (e.g. cancel an account-service at the end of the month) enter your changes in the Upcoming Change section. Any billing related events triggered by account-service status changes such as applying prorated charges/credits (e.g. if you set a service to a canceled status) will not take place until the account-package is billed

      4. Usage buckets on usage based account-services can also be modified. When editing a Click the usage based service name or the (blue star) icon and then click the (blue star) icon next to the service name to display any buckets that are setup under the service. To edit bucket settings click the (blue star) icon to the right of the bucket and a modal will load with bucket settings

      5. Click Update when you are done modifying the service

    • Deleting Optional Services in the Package:
      Note: services can only be deleted if they remain at or above the ‘Minimum Instances’ configured on the service within the package in the product catalog. If the minimum instances value already matches the amount of the particular service on the account-package, then the (blue star) button to remove the service will be greyed out

      1. While in Summary view Click click on the name of the service or the (blue star) icon to the right of the service

      2. At the service detail level click on the (blue star) icon and then the (blue star) icon to mark the service for deletion

      3. When you Save the package the services marked for deletion will be deleted

  4. Once the package is fully configured click Save


  1. Under the Account Packages heading on the left click the package you wish to edit

  2. Under the Edit Account Package heading on the right modify the package details.

  3. To edit the configuration of a service in the selected package first ensure you are in the Summary view then click on the name of a service. Additional service details will load as well as a (blue star) icon to the right of the service

  4. If you wish to add, edit or remove discounts for a particular account-service in the account-package set the View Type to Pricing and then to the right of the service. desired account-service click on the (blue star) icon

  5. Click Save when finished making changes



Note: You cannot set a cancelation date to a date that has already been billed.


Note: If you need to cancel multiple account-packages see the 'Bulk Operations/Transferring/Canceling Multiple Account Packages' guide.

  1. Select the account-package you wish to cancel in the list on the left under the Account Packages headingOn the right

  2. under the Edit Account Packages heading enter a date in the Effective Cancel Date fieldAt the top of the Account Packages section click on the (blue star)button

  3. Specify the Cancellation date for the account-package

  4. Specify the Billing Option to apply when cancelling the account-package. This will determine how charges will be applied (if at all) for the account-package’s final billing period

  5. Click Save and the package will be canceled when billing occurs and the Effective Cancel Cancellation Date falls within the period being billed (Bill Period Start - Bill Period End)


  1. In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the(blue star)icon

  2. On the pop-up that appears specify the:

    1. Bill Period Start: the start of the billing period range. The billing period range is defined by the Bill Period Start date and the Bill Period End date. When the bill run executes account-packages will be billed if the package’s 'Next Bill Date' falls within the billing period range and the option 'Bill Charges' is enabled on the bill run

    2. Bill Period End: this value determines the end of the billing period range. See the Bill Period Start notes above for more information

    3. Bill Charges: when enabled non-usage based charges (e.g. subscription charges) will be billed and an invoice generatedBill Usage

    4. Invoice Top-up: when enabled usage based charges will be billed and an invoice generated. Note: All unbilled usage charges that precede the 'Bill Period Start' date will also be billed if it is determined that the account-package that the usage relates to should be billedDeliver Invoice: Delivers invoices based on the bill group's 'Invoice Delivery' setting (e.g. email delivery). Invoices that are not rendered will not be delivered (i.e. no invoice exists to be delivered). Invoices are only delivered when the invoicer account's bill day is within the billing period (the bill day falls within the Bill Period Start and Bill Period End date range)this setting is enabled billing will apply charges if an account contract is configured with a 'Minimum Invoice Amount' and the minimum value has not been reached. This option will be disabled if no billing option has been set (i.e. Bill Charges or Bill Usage)

    5. Bill Usage: when enabled usage based charges will be billed and an invoice generated. Note: All unbilled usage charges that precede the 'Bill Period Start' date will also be billed if it is determined that the account-package that the usage relates to should be billed

    6. Run Contract Commitment: when enabled account and account-package contracts on the accounts being billed will be evaluated to see if contract related charges are applicable. If commitments are not met/contracts have been terminated prematurely then any configured penalty fees on the contract will be applied. When this option is enabled contract dates will be checked to determine if contract charges are valid, the 'Bill Period Start' date is not referenced when the system is evaluating contracts on accounts/account-packages. This means that contract charges related to periods earlier than the specified bill period start date will be applied

    7. Collect Payment: when enabled payment can be collected from accounts that have an ‘Auto Pay’ payment method configured. Integration with a payment gateway must also be configured for payment collection to functionRun Dunning Process: when enabled this setting will trigger the execution of dunning rules that have been configured on the account (e.g. send the account's billing contact an email notification if they are X days overdue for payment, email and change the account status to suspended if payment is Y days overdue, etc.with a payment gateway must also be configured for payment collection to function

    8. Run Dunning Process: when enabled this setting will trigger the execution of dunning rules that have been configured on the account (e.g. send the account's billing contact an email notification if they are X days overdue for payment, email and change the account status to suspended if payment is Y days overdue, etc.)

    9. Deliver Invoice: Delivers invoices based on the bill group's 'Invoice Delivery' setting (e.g. email delivery). Invoices that are not rendered will not be delivered (i.e. no invoice exists to be delivered). Invoices are only delivered when the invoicer account's bill day is within the billing period (the bill day falls within the Bill Period Start and Bill Period End date range)

    10. Posting Date: the date the billing activity will be set to for reporting / financial period purposes

  3. Click Bill Now

Toast notifications will appear to indicate when billing has been completed.

Post Billing

  • Billing will run and generate an invoice on the Account / Billing / Invoices screen

  • All packages billed will have their ‘Next Bill Date’ incremented. This date is shown on the Account/ Profile / Packages screen under the Account Packages panel

  • The 'Billed Through' fields will also be updated on the Billing Settings tab for each billed account-package

  • Transactions generated as a result of billing the account will be listed on the Account / Billing / Transactions screen. The transactions tab will show all of the new charges stamped with the invoice number matching the invoice number of the newly generated invoice


  • Usage identifiers setup on account-services are transferred to the specified target account-services

  • Custom fields setup on account-packages and account-services are transferred to the target account's account-packages and account-services

  • Usage based elements are not transferred to the target account-packages/account-services (e.g. usage buckets, rate plans, share plans)

Performing Bulk Operations


  • plans)

Performing Bulk Operations

  1. In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the (blue star) icon

  2. On the Bulk Operations pop-up that appears select the operations to perform (Cancel or Transfer packages)

  3. Under the Records tab select the packages you wish to cancel/transferClick /transfer. If there are many account-packages on the account you can use the Columns field to list packages with particular properties. Simply select the relevant columns to locate the account-packages of interest and click the Refresh button to update the list

  4. After you have selected the desired packages click >>Next

    1. If canceling account packages specify

    an Effective Cancel Date, for
    1. a Cancellation Date and Billing Option. You can also prevent contract early termination fees from being applied by enabling the Waive Early Termination Fees option

    2. For account-package transfers specify an Effective Date for the transfer to occur on

    For transfer operations
    1. and indicate the account the account-packages will transfer to under the Transfer To Account field

  5. For transfer operations indicate the target packages, frequencies and services you wish to transfer the selected account-packages to

  6. Click >>Next

  7. Confirm the operation and click Proceed to execute the bulk operation

Operation Progress details will be displayed to provide you with the results of the bulk operation.