Info |
Price Books are configured in Setup / Product Catalog / Package / Price Books |
Guides in this article:
Price books allow packages to be setup with different pricing across multiple currencies in different regions that you define. For instance, using multiple price books you can setup a single package frequency that charges €50 for a product in Spain and €40 for a product in Germany.
Services configured under price books can also be setup with region specific GL Codes and Service Tax Categories. When specified these values setup on services in price books will override the GL Codes and Service Tax Categories configured directly on the service, allowing services in a particular region to be classified and taxed appropriately for the region.
A ‘Standard’ system defined price book will be listed herein this panel. This price book is the default price book where standard pricing is configured for packages on the package frequencies screen. All accounts in the system can purchase products from the standard price book (provided other requirements are met, such as the currency configured on the package matches the currency configured on the account). If you don’t define your own price books then the Standard price book will be the only one used when configuring prices on package frequencies.
Actions are available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Info | Description |
Deletes the selected price book. Price books that are in use cannot be deleted | |
Adds a new price book |
Edit Price Book Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected price book. From here you can change price book details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modifiednote: fields with a magenta left border are required).
Edit Price Book Fields and Options:
Name: a unique name that describes the price book. Note: the included ‘Standard’ price book can be renamed if desired
Active: indicates if the price book is active in the system. It is not possible to deactivate all price books in the system, at least one price book must be active. Inactive price books previously setup on package frequencies will still allow prices to be modified in the price book, but you will not be able to add the inactive price book to any new price frequencies you create so long as the price book remains inactive
Region: allows you to select the region that the price book applies to. These regions are defined on the Price Book Regions screen. This region value will not be configurable when editing the Standard (system default) price book
Is Standard Price Book: this is a read only setting that indicates if the selected price book is the Standard Price book or not
Description: a description of the price book for internal purposes or (optionally) a detail that can be presented on invoices or in web portals
This section lists the packages and currencies that the selected price book has been configured on for reference purposes.