Log into the LogiSense Billing application
Click on the Setup menu, User & Accounts and then Owners
On the Financial Setting tab the currencies setup on the owner will be displayed. If Euro is not a configured currency add it by selecting it in the Currency field, clicking the + Add button, then clicking Save on the owner screen
Select Yes on the notice that appears
Configure the Exchange Rate for the Currency
Navigate to the Setup / Finance / Currency Exchange screen
Select If no currency exchanges are setup, click on the
to add a currency exchange. Otherwise you can select the current (effective) exchange rates already setup in the list on the left
Enter the exchange rate for the Euro currency in relation to the Default currency (for example 0.85) and click Save
The Euro exchange rate will be applied when an account set to ‘Euro’ currency is billed for another account's charges, and the other account is set to configured in a different currency.
If Once you have completed the base configuration of the system you can create accounts and test applying exchange rates.