Date: the date of the transaction
Posting Date: the date the transaction was issued from a reporting / financial period standpoint
Issued Invoice: auto-populated, read-only field which displays an invoice number if the selected transaction has been issued to an invoice. If the transaction has not been issued to an invoice this field will be empty
Account: the account the transaction was applied to. This may be a different account than the account you are viewing if the account the transaction was applied to is setup to invoice its charges to the account you have loaded (for instance a child account may be listed in this field)
Quantity: this setting acts as a multiplier so that multiple transactions of the same type/amount can be added at once. The maximum quantity value supported in this field is 10,000, with the exception of AvaTax integrated environments where a quantity of 500,000 is supported for manual transactions recorded against a service with a service tax category based on Lines
Amount: the transaction amount
Service: the service the transaction relates to. Taxes applicable to this service will not be added initially but will be added when billing occurs, unless the service selected is setup to be tax exempt
Package: auto-populated, read-only field which displays the account-package name when the transaction is added by a bill run. This field will not be populated for manually added transactions
Period Start / Period End: allows you to specify the date range that the transaction applies to. E.g. the charge is applicable for services provided from the 1st to the 30th
Tax Inclusive: when enabled taxes are calculated into the transaction amount, rather than applying taxes on top of the transaction amount
GL Code: a general ledger code associated with the transaction
Service Tax Category: a service tax category associated with the transaction
Detail: details what the transaction relates to. This will be system defined when the transaction is generated by billing and user defined when a transaction is manually added to the account
Usage Identifier: auto-populated, read-only field which displays a usage identifier when the service that the transaction relates to is a usage based service