Info |
Account Payments are viewed in Account / Billing / Payments |
The Payments panel on the left of this screen allows you to select a payment so that you can view and edit payment details on the Edit Payment Panel to the right. In addition actions are available which are shown as icons on the left above the Filter text box. Available actions are detailed below.
Icon | Description |
Reverses the selected payment | |
Makes a payment through a payment gateway | |
Deletes a recorded payment (not applicable to payments made through a gateway) | |
Adds an offline payment (does not go through a payment gateway) |
Payments List
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Only successful payments will appear in this list, failed payments will not be displayed. |
The information on this panel reflects the currently selected payment. From here you can change view and change payment details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modifiednote: fields with a magenta left border are required).
Payment Fields and Options:
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Note: Recorded (offline) payments which have not yet been issued to an invoice cannot be reversed, they can be deleted however. |
Info |
Note: As of LogiSense Billing 10.3.0 partial reversals can now be performed on processed payments. Multiple reversals can be added, so long as the reversal amount does not exceed the unrefunded portion of the payment. |