userPaymentMethodCreditCardID (Integer) - The ID of the credit card payment method that is to be updated.
accountHolder (String) - The name on the credit card
creditCardNumber (String) - The credit card number
expireMonth (String) - The two digit representation of the month of expiry
expireYear (String) - The two digit representation of the year of expiry
cardTypeID (String) - The name of the card type as defined in your configuration
country (String) - Optionally update the country of the card holder
state (String) - Optionally update the state of the card holder
city (String) - Optionally update the city of the card holder
address (String) - Optionally update the address of the card holder
zipcode (String) - Optionally update the zip code of the card holder
phone (String) - Optionally update the phone number of the card holder
email (String) - Optionally update the email address of the card holder