This article outlines the basic configuration that needs to be setup in a fresh installation of LogiSense Billing. There There are a few prerequisites that need to be set up before you can create your first product (package with services in the product catalog) and then “assign” or sell that product to an account. The steps below also contain the minimum configuration to include usage based services in your catalog.
Bill Groups define how accounts are billed. In order to setup an account in the system you must have a bill group to assign to the account.
8 - Setup Bill Runs
Bill Runs UI Location: Setup → Finance → Billing → Bill Runs
Bill runs are configured to bill accounts. The can also trigger invoicing and payment collection actions and execution of contract and accounts receivable terms (dunning rules). Bill runs are associated with bill groups in order to specify which accounts to bill.
9 - Setup Usage Billing Elements (Optional)
Class Type UI Location: Setup → Usage Rating → Rate Types → Class Type
Usage buckets are attached to services and other entities in order to provide included usage and usage tiers.
10 - Setup the Product Catalog
Service Types UI Location: Setup → Product Catalog → Services → Service Types
Package UI Location: Setup → Product Catalog → Package
Packages are products/offerings that are added to accounts and billedcontainers for services which have prices associated with them. E.g. a package could contain 'Monthly Service A' with a $50.00 price and 'Monthly Service B' with a $25.00 price resulting in a monthly package charge of $75.00. Services by themselves cannot be added to an account directly, they are always contained in a package.
Package Frequency UI Location: Setup → Product Catalog → Package → + on the Package to add the Package Frequency
Add Package UI Location: Account → Profile → Packages → + Account Package
A package is a container for services which have prices associated with them. E.g. a package could contain 'Monthly Service A' with a $50.00 price and 'Monthly Service B' with a $25.00 price resulting in a monthly package charge of $75.00. Services by themselves cannot be added to an account directly, they are always contained in a packagePackages are products/offerings that are added to accounts and billed. When you add a package to an account it will indicate when it will next be billed by showing a ‘Next Bill Date’ value.
Billing an Account and Generating an Invoice
Now that an account package is in place it can be billed and an invoice generated which contains the package charges.
1 - Bill a Package on an Account
Bill Account UI Location: Account → Profile → Packages → $ Bill Account
On the packages screen there is an option to bill packages (theaction button). This will allow you to bill the account package added in the step above. Provided the bill run date range is configured to bill over the package’s ‘Next Bill Date’ and the options on the bill run are set to bill packages, run invoices and render invoices.
2 - View the Invoice Generated by the Bill Run
Invoices UI Location: Account → Billing → Invoices
The UI will pop-up messages when a bill run starts and when it finishes. When a bill run finishes it will generate an invoice (provided run & render invoices was set on the bill run, and there were charges on the account to bill). After the bill run finishes you can load the Invoices screen to view the invoice details (transactions on it, taxes applied, etc.). To view the invoice you can download it as as a pdf on the same Invoices screen ( using the action button).