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Exceptions are managed in Setup / Usage Rating / Exceptions


UDR exceptions occur when the rating engine fails to rate mediated usage (usage that has been successfully imported). Exceptions logged are displayed here, categorized by their error type. After resolving the issue that caused an exception the usage can be reprocessed (rating can be attempted again) from this screen.


Usage must be mediated (imported) before it can be rated. If mediation is not occurring/successful then there will be no usage to rate/rating exceptions.

UDR Exceptions Panel

The UDR Exceptions panel on the left of this screen lists the types of exceptions that can occur and provides a count for the number of exceptions that currently exist for the exception type in question. Selecting an exception type that has a Count value will show the details of the exception in the Edit UDR Exception panel.

Edit UDR Exception Panel

The information in this panel reflects the currently selected exception type. From here you can reprocess (rate) usage in exception and view details on the usage that triggered the exception (date of the usage, identifiers, the source file name, etc.).


The guides below describe the causes and solutions to many of the UDR Exceptions that can occur.

Resolving 'No UDR Usage Identifier match' Exceptions

This error indicates that the rating engine could not match the usage identifier in the usage record (e.g. an imsi, ip address, phone number) to a usage identifier on an account-service. Once the UID is added to the appropriate account-service the usage can be reprocessed from this screen.

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. Determine which account-service the usage identifier found in the usage exception belongs to

  2. Input the identifier on the account-service (account -> profile -> packages -> services (tab) ->  icon ->  icon button -> Usage Identifier field

  3. Return to the UDR Exceptions screen and select the No UDR Usage Identifier match exception type

  4. Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  5. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  6. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage charges applied by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  7. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating was attempted. If rating did occur at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. Verify that the exact Usage Identifier related to the usage is present on the appropriate account-service. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'UDR time does not match time period of UDR Usage Identifier' Exceptions

This error indicates that the date of the usage is earlier or later than the start date or end date set on the usage identifier associated with the account-service. If the usage is valid then then typically the usage identifier's start date was not set to the correct date. Correcting the effective date on the account-service will back date the UID start and allow the usage to be reprocessed.

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. Use the global search in the UI with the 'Usage Identifier' Search Filter set in order to find the account-service that the Usage Identifier listed in the usage exception relates to

  2. On the Account -> Packages tab that loads check the Services tab for the selected package and locate the account-service that has the Usage Identifier that matches the UID in the UDR exception

  3. If the Effective Date of the account-service is listed as 'Same as Package' then rolling back the effective date of the account-package will result in the usage falling into a valid time period. Modify the account-package Effective Date so that it is effective at the proper date (starts before the date in the UDR exception)

  4. Return to the UDR Exceptions screen and select the UDR time does not match time period of UDR Usage Identifier exception type

  5. Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  6. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  7. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  8. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains, then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. Verify that the account-service effective date precedes the udr exception date. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'Usage Rate matching UDR not found' Exceptions

This error indicates that a rate cannot be found that matches the values within the mediated usage. This exception occurs if:

  • The class of the usage does not match the usage class configured on rates in the rate groups that are setup in the rate plan

  • For GeoTree Rated Rate Types: The terminating identifier in the usage does not match a pattern in the GeoTree

  • For GeoTree Rated Rate Types: The terminating identifier in the usage does match a pattern in the GeoTree but no rate could be found in relation to the matched pattern

  • The account that the usage relates to is setup with a currency that does not match the currencies configured on rate groups in the rate plan

  • Conditions on rate groups in the rate plan are not met, causing rates in the groups to be ignored and therefore no valid rate was found which matches the usage

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. On the UDR Exceptions screen select the Usage Rate matching UDR not found exception type

  2. Select an exception in the list that is relevant to the usage you wish to reprocess and then click the  icon next to the exception

  3. On the Mediated Record Detail modal that appears review the usage details including which Usage Rate Plan was selected

  4. Validate that the rate you wish to apply exists within a rate group that is in the rate plan found in the exception message. If the desired rate is present ensure that it is configured with the proper usage class (this should be the class listed in the exception) and that the currency of the rate group where the rate resides matches the currency of the account that the usage relates to. If the rate uses the GeoTree as its rater, check the tree to ensure the Terminating Identifier in the usage exception matches a pattern in the tree

  5. Once the issue that caused the exception has been corrected, return to the UDR Exceptions screen, select the Usage Rate matching UDR not found exception type and Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  6. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  7. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  8. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'Usage Rate Group matching UDR not found' Exceptions

This error indicates that a rate group matching the mediated usage attributes could not be found in the rate plan. Typically this will mean that the currency set on the rate groups in the rate plan do not match the currency of the account that the usage relates to.

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. On the UDR Exceptions screen select the Usage Rate Group matching UDR not found exception type

  2. Select an exception in the list that is relevant to the usage you wish to reprocess and then click the  icon next to the exception

  3. Ensure the Usage Rate Plan listed in the Mediated Record Detail has the appropriate rate group (a group that contains the rate you wish to apply) and that the currency configured on the rate group matches the currency of the account that the usage is applicable to

  4. Once the issue that caused the exception has been corrected, return to the UDR Exceptions screen, select the Usage Rate Group matching UDR not found exception type and Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  5. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  6. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  7. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'Usage Rate Plan not defined for Account Service or Usage Rate Plan Inheritance Hierarchy' Exceptions

This error indicates that a rate plan could not be found (see the rate plans help for information on what entities rate plans can be attached to).

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. On the UDR Exceptions screen select the Usage Rate Plan not defined for Account Service or Usage Rate Plan Inheritance Hierarchy exception type

  2. Select an exception in the list that is relevant to the usage you wish to reprocess and then click the  icon next to the exception

  3. On the Mediated Record Detail modal review the Message to identify the account-package that the usage relates to. Based on your rate plan attachment scheme (rate plan set on the account-package, rate plan set on the account, etc.) ensure that a rate plan exists on the correct entity. If the rate plan is present ensure the rate group(s) in the plan have a Start date that is equal to or earlier than the date of the usage that went into exception

  4. Once the issue that caused the exception has been corrected, return to the UDR Exceptions screen, select the Usage Rate Plan not defined for Account Service or Usage Rate Plan Inheritance Hierarchy exception type and Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  5. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  6. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  7. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'Final Usage Bill issued' Exceptions

This error indicates that the account that the usage relates to has been canceled.

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. On the UDR Exceptions screen select the Final Usage Bill issued exception type

  2. Select an exception in the list that is relevant to the usage you wish to reprocess and then click the  icon next to the exception

  3. If you do not wish to bill this usage the exception can be ignored. If you do wish to bill for this usage you will need to the Usage Identifier related to the exception is configured on an active account-service

  4. Once the UID is on an active-account service return to the UDR Exceptions screen, select the Final Usage Bill issued exception type and Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  5. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  6. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  7. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue

Resolving 'Software System Error' Exceptions

This error indicates something unexpected happened during rating. It may be caused by database connectivity issues or network issues. Reviewing the exception message will reveal more data on the issue and how to resolve it.

Steps to resolve this exception:

  1. On the UDR Exceptions screen select the Software System Error exception type

  2. Select an exception in the list that is relevant to the usage you wish to reprocess and then click the  icon next to the exception

  3. On the Mediated Record Detail modal review the Message to identify the error

  4. Once the issue that caused the exception has been corrected, return to the UDR Exceptions screen, select the Software System Error exception type and Filter the results in the Edit UDR Exceptions panel to indicate what exceptions you wish to reprocess. Filtering is required to indicate which exceptions should be reprocessed, if filtering is not performed no exceptions will be reprocessed

  5. Click on the Reprocess button and on the modal that appears select a time to execute the reprocessing and then click Add

  6. After reprocessing the exceptions will be removed if rating was successful. You can verify the usage that was rated by running the Reports -> Rating & Usage -> UDR History report

  7. If the exceptions remain in the list click the  icon next to an exception and check the 'Last Rating Attempted' field to verify that rating did occur. If rating was attempted at the scheduled reprocessing time and the exception remains then the issue that caused the exception was not resolved. If the 'Last Rating Attempted' date did not change to the time the reprocessing was executed then rating/reprocessing did not execute. In this case contact LogiSense support for assistance in troubleshooting this issue