Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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  • Name: a descriptive name for the contact type (Admin, Billing Contact, etc.)

  • Contact Type: the back-end contact type. These contact types can only be used once, with the exception of the 'Other' contact type which can be used on any additional contact types you create. Billing contacts setup on invoicer accounts receive invoices and the billing contact's physical address is also used to determine what taxes apply to account-services charges. Base Contact type which are available are as follows:

    • Billing

    • Shipping

    • Technical

    • Service

    • Administrative

    • Other

  • Description: an optional description for the contact type

  • Required: determines if the contact type must be setup when creating a new account. When required is enabled the 'Show on New Account' setting will automatically be enabled as well

  • Show on New Account: determines if the contact type fields will be displayed on the contacts screen when adding a new account. If the 'Required' option is not set then the contact type details will be displayed when creating an account but the user will not be required to populate the contact details

  • Show on Overview: contact details for the contact type in question will appear on the Account > Overview screen when this option is enabled

  • Contact Points tab


  1. Under the Contact Types heading on the left click the  iconthe '+'  icon

  2. Under the Add Contact Type heading on the right specify the contact type details (see the edit contact type panel section above for details on each field)

    1. Enter the name for e.g. “Secondary Shipping” as shown in Fig-1

    2. Select the Contact type for e.g. Other as shown in Fig-1

    3. Specify the description for e.g. “Secondary Shipping“ as shown in Fig-1

    4. Select the checkbox for Required, Show on New Account and Show on Overview as required.

  3. To add contact details that can be attached to this contact type click on the + New button on the Contact Points tab.

    1. On the Add Contact Point modal enter a Name (e.g. '

    Work Phone
    1. secondary shipping address') then choose the appropriate Data Type (e.g. '

    1. Address'). Select 'Allow Multiple' if you want the user to be able to add the same contact point multiple times and 'Required' if you want to make it a requirement to add the contact point

    (e.g. the administrative contact type is required to have an email address)
    1. . Two contact points i.e. Address and Email have been added as shown in Fig-1.

    2. Repeat the step above to add additional contact points if desired

  4. Click Save to add the new Contact type.



  • Editing Contact Types

  1. Under the Contact Types heading on the left click the contact type you wish to edit. For e.g. “Secondary Shipping” contact type has been selected to edit.

  2. Under the Edit Contact Type heading on the right modify the contact type details (see the edit contact type panel section above for details on each field).

  3. On the Contact Points tab add, edit or delete contact points as needed. For e.g. a new contact point has been added for Phone as shown in Fig-1

  4. Click Save when you have finished making changes.



  • Deleting Contact Types

  1. Under the Contact Types heading on the left select the contact type you wish to delete. For e.g. “Secondary Shipping” contact type has been selected to be deleted.

  2. Under the same Contact Types heading click the  iconthe below  icon

    Image Added

  3. On the confirmation dialog that appears select Yes.

  4. Contact type will be deleted.




Next Steps

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