Info |
Account Packages are configured in Account / Profile / Packages. |
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected account-package. From here you can change package details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
This tab will display custom fields if your organization has configured custom fields on account-packages. Custom fields are used to capture additional account-package details.
Transferring Account-Packages to Another Account
The option to transfer one or more account-packages to another account is available in the bulk operations feature. See the 'Bulk Operations/Transferring/Canceling Multiple Account Packages' section below for details.
Bulk Operations/Transferring/Canceling Multiple Account Packages
Bulk operations permit you to cancel or transfer multiple account-packages at once. Transferred packages are canceled on the source account after they are moved to the target/destination account.
Transfer Requirements:
the source account-packages transferred to the new account do not need match the target/destination account-packages (e.g. Package A can be transferred to Package B). However, the number of usage based account-services in each package need to match
the currency of the source account-packages does not need to match the currency of the target account-packages. However, the currency of the target account-packages do need to match the currency set on the target account
the source account-package must be active and not scheduled to be canceled (i.e. the account-package cannot be in a canceled state nor can its effective cancel date be set)
Details that are Transferred:
usage identifiers setup on account-services are transferred to the specified target account-services
custom fields setup on account-packages and account-services are transferred to the target account's account-packages and account-services
usage based elements are not transferred to the target account-packages/account-services (e.g. usage buckets, rate plans, share plans)
Performing Bulk Operations:
If needed, in the Account Packages panel use the Filter field to narrow down the list of account-packages to display only those that you wish to cancel or transfer
In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the
On the Bulk Operations pop-up that appears select the operations to perform (Cancel or Transfer packages)
Under the Records tab select the packages you wish to cancel/transfer
Click >>Next
If canceling account packages specify an Effective Cancel Date, for transfers specify an Effective Date for the transfer to occur on
For transfer operations indicate the account the account-packages will transfer to under the Transfer To Account field
For transfer operations indicate the target packages, frequencies and services you wish to transfer the selected account-packages to
Click >>Next
Confirm the operation and click Proceed to execute the bulk operation