LIKE logic is the default logic processed when no logic characters are present
; Semi colon us used in place of AND OR logic, blue;green;red. That list would include all three words
! exclamation point provides NOT logic, i.e. filter a report to exclude red would be: !red
!! A double exclamation point tells EngageIP to return an exact string only. !!red would return tickets with titles that equal exactly 'red' (with no other text around the word)
Note: The filter text is not case sensitive
These logic options can also be combined into a filter string such as this: !!red;blue;!green (which would read, return data that shows exactly 'red' or exactly 'blue' and NOT 'green'). Other combinations will work as well depending on the data you are trying to filter.
Click View (you will see a screen similar to above)
Add the items to filter the results on, in the example, tickets assigned to admin and bsmith should be shown AND those tickets show have a status of OPEN. You can separate multiple values by a semi colon ';'
Note: the view uses AND logic throughout so the more items you enter, the more explicit the results will beOnce you have entered the filter you want, click Update. This will now display your filter settings and return the list as requested
If the filter is configured as needed, click view again
Enter the name of this custom filter in the text box named Save Current View
Hit the enter key to save the value
Selecting Your Saved View
To assign the newly created filters to the role so that all can use the filters perform the following actions:
Login as a user with the permission to access the Setup tab
Click Setup Tab
Click Roles
Click on desired role to which you would like to apply the filter
At the bottom of the role page you will see all the saved filters under the heading Saved List Views
Click on the filter name to see the following three options:
Personal - this denotes a filter that is specific to a user. When this is assigned, only the user it belongs to can see and use this
Shared - filters set as shared will be accessible and usable to all users logging in under that role, they will however be able to create and configure their own default views
Shared Default - this system override manually sets all uses logging in under this role with the filter by default when they login. They will not be able to change this default although they will still be able to create and use other views after logging in
Select and Save the Option needed