... Release Notes
Change Highlights
API Updates and Enhancements
Account (Patch): Fixed an issue where attempting to add account level tax exemptions would fail for all API versions prior to v9
v9/Invoice/Item/ReverseCharge (Post): Fixed an issue where a reversal charge for a reversed tax adjustment was not attached to the next invoice generated in scenarios where the tax adjustment needed to be converted into another currency
v9/Payment/Import (Post): PaymentProviderID can now be sent when importing a payment method in Adyen integrated environments. If the PaymentGatewayID is not provided then the PaymentProviderID will be used to attempt to automatically determine the PaymentGatewayID
New APIs
v9/EventSubscription/Email (Get)
v9/EventSubscription/Webhook (Get) Release Notes
Modified the Credits and Transactions screens to auto-populate the price book value when entering manual credits/transactions if only one price book is configured on the account
Modified the Credits and Transactions screens to update the service settings from the appropriate price book when the user changes the selected service while entering a manual credit/transaction
Modified the Credits screen to auto-populate 'Invoice and Credit Note' in the Show On drop down field
Modified password lockout policy not to apply to API and Service users with repeated invalid login attempts
Removed IP based lockout functionality as it is no longer relevant
Modified account screens to navigate the user back to the Account Overview screen when clicking the back button in the browser
Fixed an issue where it was possible to edit values that should have been read-only on cancelled accounts
Fixed an issue which caused invoice attachments not to be sent when delivering invoices by email in some scenarios
Fixed an issue where the reset password link sent in reset user password emails presented html code instead of a functioning hyperlink
Fixed an issue where no search results would be returned when using operators to query certain columns API Changes
API Updates and Enhancements
v9/Account (Get): fixed an issue that would cause a 'is not a valid name' error when querying a VATNumber