A recent backup of the EngageIP databases was made and backed up off server / off site (including: Boss, BossCollector, BossRate, EngageIP Master, alternatively named EngageIP, EngageIPCollector)
The new server IP addresses are the same as the original IPs that EngageIP was using
The SA username and password used by EngageIP is the same
The databases are restored using the same names
EngageIP Billing directory was fully backed up including:
UDR Usage data
Usage Importer and Rater
Any custom customer portal files used
EngageIP Billing is installed in the same directory on the webserver
You have recorded the full license key for EngageIP
You have a backup copy of the EngageIP 9.x billing installer executable for the version that was installed on the server (LogiSense can also provide installers here as needed)
EngageIP Billing services (EngageIP Billing, EngageIP Event Manager)
The EngageIP registry is backed up
Both the SQL server and Webserver have crashed and are inaccessible - Backups were made the previous night of the databases and the full EngageIP billing directory, and including all the assumed backups above.