This article outlines the basic configuration that needs to be setup in a fresh installation of LogiSense Billing v10.x. There are a few prerequisites that need to be set up before you can create your first Package with Services in the Product Catalog and then “assign” or sell it to a customer. The steps below also contain the minimum configuration to include usage based services in your catalog.
The outline below is the minimum setup required to satisfy required fields, but not a cohesive list of all available configuration.
Countries – you must configure at least one country, and a province/state if applicable
Setup -> Regional Settings -> Countries
Setup -> Users & Accounts -> Owner -> Financial Setting
Currency Exchange (if you have more than one currency configured)
Setup -> Finance -> Currency Exchange
Payment Term
Setup -> Finance -> Dunning Process -> Payment Terms
AR Term
Setup -> Finance -> Dunning Process -> AR Terms
Invoice Delivery – This configures the invoice template and the delivery mechanism (a sample template is included with a new installation)
Setup -> Finance -> Invoice
Bill Group
Setup -> Finance -> Billing -> Bill Group
Class Type
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Rate Types -> Class Type
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Rate Types -> Classes
Rate Group
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Usage Rates -> Groups
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Usage Rates -> Rates
Rate Plan
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Usage Rates -> Plans
Base Bucket
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Buckets & Share Plans -> Base Buckets
Setup -> Usage Rating -> Buckets & Share Plans -> Usage Buckets
Service Types
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Services - > Service Types
Service Status
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Services -> Service Status
Service Transitions - only required if you have more than one status
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Services -> Service Transitions
Package Status
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Packages -> Package Status
Now we can configure catalog items:
Service – You can add a non-recurring, recurring or recurring service with a usage bucket
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Service
Package – Add the services that you just configured, to your package
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Package
Package Frequency – Price out your catalog item(s)
Setup -> Product Catalog -> Package -> + on the Package to add the Package Frequency
Now we can create an account and “sell” them an item from the catalog:
Account (an account will require at least one contact if you wish to deliver invoices, this is configured as required by default)
Account -> New
Account Package (if you don’t already have the account open, search for it in the search bar)
Account -> Profile -> Packages -> + Account Package