Add or Edit a rate that is configured with an aggregated rate group in the Group field in order to access the Tiers tab for the rate
Under the Tiers tab select a Tier Type:
Bracketed: means the rate applied is based upon the tier that the total usage count reaches. For example, if tier 3 on a rate is reached at 20 GB of usage and the price per GB is $0.50 in tier 3, then a user who uses 20 GB of data at the end of their billing period would be billed at $0.50 per GB. Bracketed tiers can be configured to utilize counting rules if desired, which will instead apply rates based on the number of packages/services on the account. For instance, apply a rate of $0.02 per MB if there are less than ten Service X’s active on an account and apply a rate of $0.01 per MB if there are ten or more Service X’s active on the account. The particular service or package that is counted is configured on the counting rule
Progressive: means that rates are applied to usage in each tier as the total usage amount progresses through the tiers. For example, if usage in tier one costs $0.90 per GB and the tier ends at 5 GB then the first five Gigabytes of usage will be billed at ninety cents per GB. If the total data usage in the usage period exceeds 5 GB then the price defined in tier 2 will apply to the usage until the allotted tier 2 size is reached. In which case the tier 3 rate is applied and so on until the total usage amount has been charged
For Bracketed tiers specify a counting rule if desired/requireda Counting Rule if desired
Specify the tiers by defining a Start and End value. The final tier end value must be open ended (not set). When the tiers have been defined enter the rate to apply per tier in the Amount Per Unit fields
Click Save to save the tier configuration