Info |
Currency Exchange is configured in Setup / Finance / Currency Exchange / Currency Exchange |
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected currency exchange. From here you can change the exchange's details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modifiednote: fields with a magenta left border are required).
Currency Exchange Fields:
This tab lists the currencies that have been configured, including the owner’s default currency. The rates entered here are multiplied against the default currency during billing in situations where currency conversion needs to be performed (e.g. an account is in a different currency than the owner's default currency).
Under the Currency Exchanges heading on the left click the
Under the Add Currency Exchange heading on the right specify the currency exchange details Name and Effective Date
Specify the Exchange Rates for the currencies listed
Click Save
Editing Currency Exchanges
Under the Currency Exchanges heading on the left click the currency exchange you wish to edit
Under the Edit Currency Exchange heading on the right modify the currency exchange settings as desired
Click Save when finished making changes