Open: set when the invoice is first created
Pending Tax: set once Invoice Items have been attached to the Open invoice
Tax In Progress: set after the invoice has been taxed and invoice item tax entries have been created. At this stage taxes have not been committed to the external tax vendor (if the system is integrated with with an external vendor)
Taxed: set after taxes have been committed to an external tax vendor
Posted: the invoice and tax summaries have been set
Render Pending: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered
Render In Progress: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered
Render Failed: this status will only appear if re-rending of the invoice was triggered and it failed to re-render
Rendered: the invoice has been rendered along with all of the invoice report attachments
Delivered: the invoice has been delivered
Void Pending: a request has been issued to void the invoice
Void In Progress: the invoice is in the process of being voided
Void: the invoice has been voided. The ‘voiding’ invoice will start in Posted status